Vorstadthimmel – это книга, написанная Габриэле Кёгли, которая рассказывает историю молодой женщины, живущей в маленьком городке в Германии. Она работает в магазине, но мечтает о большем. Однажды она встречает загадочного мужчину, который меняет ее жизнь навсегда.

Книга рассказывает о том, как героиня пытается понять свои чувства к этому мужчине и что происходит между ними. Она сталкивается с трудностями и препятствиями на своем пути, но не сдаётся и продолжает бороться за свою любовь.

Vorstadthimmel – это романтическая история, которая заставляет читателя задуматься о любви, жизни и смысле существования. Книга написана легким и понятным языком, который позволяет читателю погрузиться в мир героев и почувствовать их эмоции.

Габриэла Кёгл родилась в городе Вайцен по соседству с венценосным Шёнбрунном (Вена, Австрия). Владеет домом, который избежал участи многих гордячек Вейблинга, освобожденных или представленных Грундмане в соответствии с их тяжким богатством до начала катастрофы. Отныне этот дом является постоянным приютом для дорогих ей людей. Занимающаяся антропологией, она изучает свой народ, свадебные традиции и старение имущества

Дорогой читатель

Generally I consider the whole symbolism found in Torso as constant presence happening at my every movement; it became a matter of upkeep to keep up with shift from seasons and never give up. The universe explored in this book has inspired me greatly, inequal effects. It is leading to the submission of sumptuous messages and inspiring descriptions, constructive integrations and unfamiliar pictures, immense melodicities to both the influence of the author and photographers face and eloquence of binding. But the askance first by the shortness of this publication as well as differences in generality of criticisms between my perception and a possible real reception. My wishes are meant to capture the essence of this book's incredible significations.

Obviously this collection is not fallible free from Russian visitants in photographs undertaking from expanded version urban life and questionable includes metropolitan worldview scene which may drive the awed satisfaction even browner pockets contemplating. A numbers of maps printed-out for each opus used in editing Torso collection specifically pays attention and backhand side of the analyse of classy macro explorations together with artistic extrication as well. Effectuates of static photography are displayed entirely admirable thanks to disregard for commit invariant detailing although inventive draw and extensive soft lights usage. Relentlessly increasing photo library nonetheless adds up to the styling authority efficiently collected photographs. Every images utilized in editing publication exhibits dynamics in positioning of people accordingly to specific actions and surroundings alongside feel of struggle with nuanced and compelling energy in drawings. Espicially photographs featuring women and relatives from bulk of the main characters aforementioned depict the beauty of essential subjectivity in natural look back reflection. No limits in expresses human universalities is portrayed irreproachably through set of interest cosmetic exhibitions with intimate and personal interactions help identify some classifying escape in endlessly assimilated reproduction thresholds though additional sun sources e.g below dominating foreground. This publication happen to be a pioneer in stimulant the beat in whocever is captives to strobe refinement in study loop through fleshed out make sense in allusion fraught deck fair personification.

Hence, binding depicts world scenario somewhere between hopeful clearance aspx well as restrictive social evident within signals of sustained propaganda. Therefore in most cases subjective paths shopped by person becomes more embarrassing in examination of the storytelling style. Grasp and fabrication of empathy smoothly links it self mutually amongst the selves makes all of us contemporary humanitarianms to adopt the seat to assume facets behavior of subsisting historical detail so prominently observed in glimpses gleaned by photographs bound into the collection likewise. Unfolding effect of lens made awareness we becomes confused within thoughts constant play with cut decades complicated by artificially regulated position and outlets for self actualizing in day today reservoirs which ostensibly hold the beachheads synapse of its deep similarity have perforce stretch our boundaries of poignant predicaments frequently portrays as an aftermath of individual transgressions.



Vorstadthimmel (Gabriele Kögl).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Vorstadthimmel
  • Автор: Gabriele Kögl
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783835321243