Runes of Royalty - A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy - A Demon's Fall, Book 4 (Unabridged) (G. C. Bailey).

Книга "Runes of Royality - Обратная Городская Фантазия с Характером Демона, Книга четвертая (Неполный вариант)" Автор: С. Г. Бейли рассказывает о Эви, которая стала королевой защитников и, по слухам, королевой демонов. Однако, борьба с черной магией, которую она не может контролировать, намного опаснее, чем оба этих титула. Защитники пали, демоны вместе с ними, и земля не отстает. Смогут ли Никс, Трекс, Коннор и Ази помочь Эви пережить силу, которую никто не понимает? И что никто не знает как остановить? Из-за случайных порталов, открывающихся везде на земле, война должна быть выиграна, а Кэкс следит за каждым ее шагом. Может ли королева-убийца теперь выиграть войну?

Runes of Royalty: A Reverse-Harem Urban Fantasy – A Demon’s Fall, Volume Four (Unabridged) — G.C. Bailey

A much needed new installment in the heartbreakingly addicting urban fantasy mystery series from G.C. Bailey—the captivating story of Evelyn “Evie” Hazeltine, crowned Queen of the Protectors of Earth, along with a flourishing kingdom of its own, as she attempts to marry off her seemingly endless list of suitors—all the while dealing with a tipping point of demonic attacks throughout the world, and somehow keeping the global underworld at bay while remaining unseen by their assassins crouched atop the rooftops of every major metropolitan city in the blink of an eye. Here in the dangerous reach to save Earth from ceaseless strikes and obliteration from Prince Cascade and his observers, our intrepid protagonist finds herself thrust into the enigmatic realm of forbidden love and plundering her body of control—a decadent madness swept up in dreams unlike any that have existed before. In G.C.  Bailey’s riveting, fear-inducing, twisting tale, Evie has done it all—she’s battled an ancient demon, brought together a disparate team of heroes and assassins, explored her reclusive, alternate reality, and climaxed by returning to the world and being crowned ruler to lead her allies and continue her fascinating quest—and everything could easily change. Order your copy of Runes of Royalty today—beauty and brutal justice lie just beneath the pages of a forbidden adventure. Prepare yourself for heart-pounding suspense, spellbinding mists of obsession, and the slicked air of conflict within the captivating world of the fourteenth installment: a raging battle between underground kingdoms, assassination, black relics of terror, and even an emissary lurking across the depths of wild oceans between all things humanity and magic.


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Runes of Royalty - A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy - A Demon's Fall, Book 4 (Unabridged) (G. C. Bailey).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Runes of Royalty - A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy - A Demon's Fall, Book 4 (Unabridged)
  • Автор: G. C. Bailey
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781690594987