The Greek and the Single Mum (Julia James).

The Greek And the Single Mum by Julia James is a captivating and heartfelt novel that follows the journey of four women from different backgrounds and perspectives as they navigate their lives in Greece during summer 2016.

Eleni, a budding writer, is exploring her identity and relationship to her single mother, while grappling with the expectations of others that she be successful and committed. Anna is a divorced mother struggling to balance her work as an assistant at a cosmetic company with her family's expectations that she begins dating again. Serena looks back on her past love affair with a married man and wonders whether she has moved on. And Katerina, a woman torn between home and her newfound love for a visiting American, attempts to reconcile the emotional wounds left behind after being abandoned as a child.

Julia James' poetic and sensitive storytelling combined with the vibrant Greek culture create an intriguing crossroads of characters and experiences that resonate with readers of all age and maturity levels. The book beautifully illustrates the myriad unexplored territories each woman struggles to navigate while also showcasing that there are no right or wrong ways to live your life. Its poignant and enthralling combination of inspiring characters, its robust Greek landscape, and its believable storytelling make it an essential read not to be missed.

In conclusion, The Greek And The Single Mum leaves us with a deeply moving image of what the new-generation Greek women experience, reflecting upon difficulties and challenges they struggle throughout the course of their days. It also highlights the wonderful country’s strong connections between mothers, siblings, lovers, and children. As a result, this book is an indelible piece of literature with long-lasting emotional value that's fit for reading, absorbing, and remembering.

Жюли Джеймс пишет свои романы как сцены из жизни. Колоритные, яркие, пронизанные юмором, вызывающие желание немедленно познакомиться с ее героями ближе. Ее персонажи – женщины, живущие яркой, полнокровной жизнью – не прочь как отправить вам электронное письмо, так и вышвырнуть из машины любовника. Героини романов «Гречанка и единоспальница» (The Greek and the single mum) предпочитают водить машину и не стесняются материться. Лучшая подруга автора книги, героиня Сьюзи, не просто маленькая и закутанная в меха женщина, она настоящая мегера. Именно через Сьюзи автор описывает все перипетии отношений с мужчинами – от начальника-бабника до простого официанта. И хотя этим романам отчаянно не хватает глубины, ярких диалогов и детально прописанных персонажей их можно читать бесконечно долго, прячась от унылой действительности, в которой каждый из нас живет уже не одно столетие.


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The Greek and the Single Mum (Julia James).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Greek and the Single Mum
  • Автор: Julia James
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Short Stories
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781408981603