Der Schatz von Njinjo (Fritz Gleiß).

Der Schatz Von Njinjo (Der Käse von Njindjo) by Fritz Gleißen

Hannes Waday is starving as a personal consultant for industrial economy in Moshi, the capital of Tanganyika. However, after a fellow German tourist tells him a story about a legendary family treasure from colonial times, Waday embarks on a journey to find it. He is finance and counseled by his not-so-frugal but business savvy aunt Honorata. With her supporting him, he embarks upon an epic adventure through much of East Africa until finally he finds the treasure. On a trip to Kilwa where locals are celebrating their annual festival, Wadays discovers a dreadfully secret map. Having had enough of the dangers involved with further prying his findings, he flees and retreats out of Tanzania to return to Europe. Once back home, Widay found out the map was made by a German academic explorer in Tanganyika called Theodor Feuerbach's Eloquent City that was published in the 1950s. Feuerbäch wrote of a hidden treasure in the Muslim city of Kilwa, and has several mentions of the mysterious king Ras Ali (often referred to as “Ras el Khali”) who appeared to be wealthy and famous. Waday returned to Tanzania later and found that Njinjo castle was nothing but a small hut, while many of his men refused to accept his decision to return. Six months later, a missionary came to Zanzibar that he had heard about before finding Njinjo treasure, saying that Ras Ali was still alive and awaiting the special turn of an egg which might expose the locations of hidden gold. This turn revealed the hiding spot of Njinjo relics located in the basement of his palace before he died. Around ten people were killed searching for the right egg, however, eight accounts were published on the matter throughout European and African literatures. Following those footsteps, other agents, including Waday, raced through impoverished Tanganyikan to find and bring it back. They met with a fortune in the wealth of royal household, but they also battled with terrible odds such as toxic waste, political unrest, and cannibals. Nevertheless, Waday finally managed to succeeded in his journey and brought the hideous gold home to Germany. The book, Die Käse Waday was compiled based on a historical true incident to describe the current and hilarious life across East Africa where poverty and justice blend in one another. It therefore, functioned as an excellent guide for adventurous trips to endangered World Heritage Sites—such as Kilwa Town and Stonetown on Zanzibar (the world’s largest and oldest remaining Islamic trading port), World Cultural Heritage sites Serengetti and Ngorontoro craters as well as trips of self-discovery on the Kilimanjaros (Africa’s highest volcanic peak). As readers are accustomed to reading these novels out of keen interest, I wish to

Богатство Нинджо. Автор: Глейсс Фриц.



Der Schatz von Njinjo (Fritz Gleiß).

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