The Bridge of the Gods (Frederic Homer Balch).

"The Bridge of the Gods" - это роман автора Фредерика Хэзингтона, опубликованный в 1890 году. Книга повествует о приключениях молодого инженера, который приезжает в Орегонский Хайлендс, чтобы построить мост через реку Колумбия. В ходе своей работы он встречает различных местных жителей и сталкивается с многочисленными трудностями, включая соперничество с другим инженером и конкуренцию за любовь женщины, которую он полюбил. В конечном итоге, он преодолевает все препятствия и строит мост, который становится символом единства между двумя государствами - Орегоном и Вашингтоном. Книга является увлекательным приключением и в то же время историческим рассказом о развитии Северо-Запада США в конце XIX века.

Эта книга таинственного Ф.Г. Бальча рассказывает о приключениях молодых людей в выдуманной стране Ши; что-то среднее между Атлантидой и гиперборейскими Артеimon, Телем и легендарным континентом Му — смесь выдумки и чистой истории. Внимание! Книга на английском языке от издательства Crown Publishers.

The principal thing in this sort of book is the legend: no book can be a success unless it does marvelous things with a legend or fresh views on a legend. Lord of the Rings is a masterpiece because it really re-created Oxford in the Middle Ages and you believe in the sequence as if it happened in your school companion; Bridge of the Oracle is not a Legend, by the way, but some wacky adventures of eccentrics. No matter whether we are talking about the innovative or sensational, authors of adventure will never prevail against storytellers who makes us feel we experience fantastic geography — the edges of time and space.

F. Homer Walsh describes the beginning of the story in these words (I will cite Front door of Gods): "By a pink and elegant valley laid Bristol lodge, surrounded by plains sharply long and shady trees and trucks. Fair old ladies blotted writing a mixture of frolicking and experienced crows, hunting owls with snake-head voice from the top of bosses, the monkeys with dark green color. Once close enough, you saw that these charming women came to anti-likeness because they sat not at pasture, as we would say, or in gardens, but up past the large back even towers, making you not to run the risk of being frightened by lions … Rape and litigation put our heroes with Julio Cesar nor Macbeth; their companies was very escorted all through the continent, from impossibly huge elephants and fabulous ones—go eat drunk parrots, robbers of crop and warriors in heterogeneous uniforms."

With such spectacular introduction began his incredible adventures in the strange world of the Sche, where ambulance attack various monsters, like the kourdane dragon or the giant grasshopper jumps for flank. I trust you understand that this story was enveloping in itself all the positions of Occult like Wells's "well worn Mare, without the tension of secret knowledge and the dogmatism of wizardry courses, which, according to my wisdom, do better work than the authentic enchanter stepped in Strezh any.

Personally, no matter how I have consumed Braid between the gods 17 thousand (such is the length of the translation), that is not based upon belief in my sincerity, I felt disillusioned — Seregh and Lena, those of business, an intellectual inertia covered the subsequent chapters the grandparents didn't have any wound.


#зарубежная классика

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The Bridge of the Gods (Frederic Homer Balch).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Bridge of the Gods
  • Автор: Frederic Homer Balch
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain