Augenblicklich glücklich (Frank Romanowski).

Describerbook 'Augenblicklich Glücklich' by Frank Romanowski

Frank Romanowski is a renowned German author who has been writing for over 25 years. His latest book, "Augenblichlich Glücklich" (literally "happily instant"), is a thought-provoking and personal account of his experiences in the world of advertising. Romanowski shares his journey from having to work within an advertising agency to become an in-house copywriter, working as an independent consultant, and now working for an event management company where he is responsible for creating innovative advertising campaigns. Throughout the book, Romanowski writes about his struggles and successes while working in the advertising industry, including moments of frustration and self-doubt when overwhelmed with deadlines and the demands of the industry. He also shares his personal insights into the power of creativity, motivation, and resilience in the workplace, as well as his methods of planning and organizing to ensure successful outcomes for his clients. Finally, Romanowski offers a rich portrait of himself as an author and creative individual who has successfully embraced the challenges of a changing career. In his own words, he says that it is important to never take life and job experience for granted, but instead to always strive for personal growth and success. If you are interested in learning more about the advertising industry and its challenges, then "Augenblichan Glücklich," by Frank Romanowsky, is an excellent read that will provide valuable insights and perspectives that can be applied to your own career or business ventures.

Кажется, после стольких страданий, обид и ошибок, всё наконец-то идёт отлично. Как пишет автор, «теперь, когда я прощаю себе свои ошибки, чтобы жить спокойно, быть счастливым и сильным – исцеляющим собственную жизнь и жизнь других» – это и есть путь к настоящему успеху и счастью, который он называет так необычно: «Augenblicklich Glücklich» («Мгновенное счастье»). Он делится с читателями своими достижениями на этом пути, а также даёт множество примеров из жизни. Без повторения уже известных истин, без навязчивых советов и морализаторства очень просто и доступно показывает, как победить одиночество, боль и несчастье.



Augenblicklich glücklich (Frank Romanowski).

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