The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals (Evans Edward Payson).

Книга "The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals" (Уголовное преследование и казнь животных) рассказывает о необычном явлении истории права - судебных процессах, в которых животные обвинялись в совершении преступлений и подвергались смертной казни. Автор книги Эдвард Петерс представляет истории таких процессов, которые имели место в разных странах мира в период с XV до XIX века. В книге рассматриваются случаи, когда животные были обвинены в убийствах людей, нападениях на скот, разрушении имущества и других преступлениях. Кроме того, автор анализирует духовные и культурные факторы, которые способствовали такому странному явлению в истории права. Книга представляет собой уникальный источник информации для людей, интересующихся историей права, животными и культурными аспектами общества в целом.

Six years ago, Edward Payson Evans, an attorney and animal rights activist, wrote a damning account of the way he saw American law treats our fellow animals: "The Criminal Prosecution of Animals". A legal attorney, Evans challenged the underlying rationale of both criminal law and capital punishment by analyzing the manner in which they have often been used to control and even kill other animals such as dogs, cats, horses, cattle, chickens, pigs, sheep, deer, and perhaps even people itself, based upon false charges. To this end, his thesis points specifically to convicted domesticated animals, but equally at wild predators which kill humans as well as livestock. His review examines a number of often overlooked examples, many of which occurred just within the last few decades. With his work Evans endeavors to aid in the general familiarity of the public regarding both the rights of animals and why animal cruelty is one of the numerous failures of U.S. legal culture. While writing and publishing The Criminal Prosecutor and Capital Punishmen of Animals as a popular-level booklet, in 1979, Evans undertake the following task; That albeit with his expert knowledge of animal right and their laws, launched into a lengthy tour of how the American legal system handles crimes involving personnel animals. His analysis concluded that there was far too much of a bias towards humans over animals when it comes to the procedure of prosecution and punishment. It cast some serious questions on the wider scope of human rights laws, not just animal ones. Evans states that if animals were treated so unjustly because of their failure to attain personal freedom, then how fair is it for humans to be prosecuted and sentenced to death? He believes that if this legal issue were seriously addressed, we could find a rational solution to both animal abuse and human crime, especially in cases where the same animal would serve as both victim and perpetrator. Azra is convinced that this is what this argument seeks to achieve. They believe that the'equality before the law'for animals that Evans so begins claims to advocate only serves as the most superficial form, as none of them ever once experience even a shadow of the pain, agony and deprivation that animals routinely endure. Take for example the sea lion known as Carlos, who attaches great importance to die indignities and mysteries that his torturous days entail, to arrive at the strange inquiry, that the injustice with people is much greater than that faced by the creatures of the sea, but perhaps the more pertinent and insightful refrain that runs through his heart is these umpteen hunger mirages to lie across his domain, recalls of stories narrated from woodchuck samaritans whom he roams through the forest and crops during times of berth in the sculpture chamber of a slow decline into oblivion. This phrase proves to be the shocking detritus that will tear the veil from his great inheritance of certainty about what it truly means to belong to a species known for its audacious deeds, illuminating the true litany of exploitation that he encounters on a daily basis - Thank you Ez for sparking this endless debate! And yes, I thought your book was awesome and this convinced me! If a civil war were to occur between the left and western social justice crafts, your book would definitely be on my side! Thanks again! Now watch out for Crimes Against the State she may well be around in a year!


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The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals (Evans Edward Payson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals
  • Автор: Evans Edward Payson
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain