Australia: In Bed with a Sheikh! (Emma Darcy).

"Австралия: В объятиях шейха!" (переосмысление)

Сара Хиллиард была убеждена стать спутницей путешествия шейха Тарека аль-Хаймы, и, поскольку он пытается покорить ее без обещания обязательств, Сара решает проверить, как самодостаточный шейх отреагирует, если она сама станет соблазнительницей. Когда невеста Шарифа аль-Кадера сбежала с пилотом, он поступил решительно со всей гордостью и высокомерием пустынного короля, похищая сестру пилота, Лию, чтобы заменить ее в постели свадебной ночью! Когда Эмили Росс оказывается заключенной в островном дворце шейха Загео, она готова на все, чтобы доказать свою невиновность. Если ценой будет отдать себя ему, то это будет плата, которую ей придется заплатить...

Emma Darcy's "Australia: In Bed With A Sheikh!" is the story of three women who are kidnapped by attractive, seductive sheikhs who lure them into bed and leave them to ponder what the severity of their predicament may be. In David Sheldon's words, the book is a "revelatory glimpse into the paradoxical dilemma of what it means to woo someone against all odds."

Sarah has agreed to accompany business partner Tareq on his business trip to Australia; though not exactly suave or charming, he may turn out to be more stable than anyone else on their present companionship. Yet how does she know what Tareq stands for without showcasing his intentions? Better to bring out the general public's idea of Mark Antony and engage him in an unlikely love affair—with the criteria of their contact being understood clearly from the start.

Emily Ross, who was arrested near the coast of Sheikh Habib Zageo, suffers a greater fate. Having discovered the culprit was installed at the palace, the sheikh takes her captive in his palace on a remote island, leaving her little choice but to offer herself up to free herself and save her brother's life.

As the three women's situations become more complicated, they realize that the only way to survive and escape is to use their sexual allure to seduce the captors and find a catalyst for their release. As the men's lives fall apart at the seams, these self-confessed seduction addicts relentless strive to stay atop their prize. But who will end up falling prey to the ultimate ruse?


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Australia: In Bed with a Sheikh! (Emma Darcy).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Australia: In Bed with a Sheikh!
  • Автор: Emma Darcy
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon M&B
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472094209