Through Apache Land (Ellis Edward Sylvester).

Through Apache Land - книга, написанная американским писателем Карлом Мейом и опубликованная в 1902 году. Она рассказывает о путешествии двух американцев через территорию апачей в юго-западной части США в конце 19 века. В книге описываются приключения и опасности, которые они встретили на своем пути, включая встречу с вождем апачей Геронимо. Книга также содержит много информации о жизни и культуре апачей, и может рассматриваться как исторический документ.

Through Apache Land - это увлекательное путешествие в историческое прошлое США, когда на территории Америки происходили столкновения между индейцами и колонистами. Карл Мей, автор книги, рассказывает о приключениях двух героев, которые отправляются в опасную поездку через территорию апачей. В книге описываются не только опасности, которые поджидают путников на их пути, но и богатая культура и обычаи апачей, которые погружают читателя в мир индейской жизни. Through Apache Land - это не только захватывающий рассказ о приключениях и сражениях, но и уникальный источник информации о жизни и культуре американских индейцев.

Through Apache Land by Ellis Edward Sylvester Review by Heyanoor Kathiresan Ellis Edward Sylvesters book titled Through Apache Land talks about the author’s personal experiences while exploring the lands of Apache Indians whose home was in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and other parts of the West. The Apache are known to have once been part of an alliance with the Spanish conquistadores as compact organizations fought for regions that once was the Aztecs home. As the Spanish pulled back and were finally dethroned, local resistance fractured and ultimately resulted in genocidal crusade of hatred and individuals were slaughtered to the point that their very identity became mythical in place of history. The explorer Malachi overcomes numerous challenges while travelling through these lands including his personal life. Born Claude Perron to a mother crushed by “humans of whom she deems them helplessly in thrall,” his detention among so many cultures intoxicates him as he catches snippets and gleanings of so much he would never even dream to know could happen. He even plucks up the sensation of love when he meets Tonya and, though there is mutual unspoken attraction, Claude decides to leave when Tonya crosses over national borders revealed his roots shift. While some insinuations I can manage to figure out act largely as plot but lack genetic cohesion I find What do I think of it, I would not be able to remember. Although the climax is resolved I believe the essence of the entire text revolves around survival and personal growth of Claude who grows in knowledge about himself, his roots and ultimately, as if indiscriminant, moves on. To be immersed in something so different and yet to come up with such close enough similarities at the same time leaves me conflicted. Apart from the verbose paragraphs devoted towards controversial understandings of history and culture, aside from a scattered and patchy plot, Ellis Edwards Through Apache land is surely relatable and invigorating at the core when one goes through an assimilation phase. It is amidst these psychological hangups and ideological eddies that one sees the intricacies of culture permeating in order to form humanities understanding. Would likely not suggest this as a textbook, however, if you are seeking an engaging look into vast distances and an adventure amongst the sprawling landscape of history, Through Apache Land would definitely appeal to one’s interest. Also the amount of facts and information about the people available implies Edwrights strong bond with this land and I admire that sense of dedication.


#зарубежная классика

Through Apache Land (Ellis Edward Sylvester).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Through Apache Land
  • Автор: Ellis Edward Sylvester
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain