The House of Mirth (Unabridged) (Edith Wharton).

Edith Wharton - "The House of Mirth"

***The House of Mirth** is a novel by American author Edith Wharton. It is set in the New York City's Midtown and tells the story of Stephen MacFanny, an upper-middle class banker, and his cousin Olivia, a well to do society girl.* She comes to live with him in his flat and tries to climb the social ladder attending numerous parties and social events. Olivia tries to woo a poor artist Henry Clithering but is rejected, as she attends parties in a formal, high heels and dresses fashionably to conform to society's idea of what a good woman should look like.**Unfortunately, society doesn’t take kindly to her rightful feelings and soon finds itself pressured to create an even more restrictive hierarchy if they want to retain any self-respect.** **With the help of Macunny's friend, Roger Rich, Olivia enlists the services of a wealthy artist, Michael Protheroe (to whom Olivia has secret crushes on and who is the impetus behind Olivia's unrequited love for Henry), in order to pretend to have lost her fortune, giving Olivia reason to approach society with an air of sorrowfulness while letting her pursue them through the means of MacFanny and becoming rich.** Upon discovering that Olivia was not deprived, but in fact fabulously wealthy, MacFanny falls out of love and proposes to his secretary, Chloe, who becomes Olivia's life partner and gives birth to the children MacFanny neglected.

На русском языке книга опубликована издательством "Символ-Плюс". В книгу вошли все без исключения 52 главы романа "Дом радости" американской писательницы Эдит Уортон, впервые опубликованный в 1905 году и являющийся настоящей вершиной творчества автора. Главная героиня Вирджиния Вульф привозит свой налаженный быт из провинции в Нью-Йорк, дабы вступить во владение особняком vacant. Все вокруг оказывает влияние на её жизнь — люди ей знакомые, но незнакомцы, многочисленные поклонники и недоброжелатели, замочные скважины, преданные слуги и даже сам особняк. Этот бурный поток приводит дух Вирджинии в некое замешательство.


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The House of Mirth (Unabridged) (Edith Wharton).

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