Stage-coach and Tavern Days (Earle Alice Morse).

"Stage-coach and Tavern Days" - книга, написанная в 1900 году американским историком Элла Уайтом. Она рассказывает о периоде расцвета так называемых "этапных карет" и таверн в Америке в XVIII и XIX веках. Книга описывает жизнь путешественников, которые пользовались услугами этапных карет и останавливались в тавернах во время своих путешествий по стране. В книге также описываются обычаи и традиции тех времен, а также роль этапных карет и таверн в экономическом и социальном развитии Америки. "Stage-coach and Tavern Days" является интересным источником информации о жизни и культуре Америки в прошлом.

Alice Earle Morse's Half-Bred Englishman contains history, poetry, tales of both the dreams and woes of the pioneer and his cattle, as well as pages of prose concerning the comings and goings of stage-coaches to the Santa Fe, along the banks of the Bosque del Apache, Sonora. Not just historians will learn treasures from this book: the cook, stableman, doorman, owner, and maid, all can glean allegories to their times and listen to the sweet laughter of untamed youth alongside seasoned travelers of the frontier. The word of revelation added by Earle paints a lively tapestry that conjures a midst-century mystery with its surprise and sublime stories. "I do not claim to be an 'historical writer,' but to simply gather in words all whatever comes to memory. Hear what I have to say....The stories, for some, show barefoot American children, long-ing for the world their fathers destroyed," said Earle regrettably. Morse gives us abbreviations of history in the form of running jokes, metaphors, and affiliations, like "Waterskin Boy to Washington," or Pumkin Lady Beatty, son of General S. Earle fashions her contemporary persona of seeing America through the experiences of her unborn generations. Dully mundane moments seem pregnant with eternity when heard through a poet-speaker; the arguments, arguments between little people, give us a larger picture than the grand events alone. Exhibitions of banter, displayed clumsily between clever ideas-too clever for earthly captives-sow seeds of interconnected memories that grow for ages long after closing time closes all hope of paperbound books springing back to life.


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Stage-coach and Tavern Days (Earle Alice Morse).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Stage-coach and Tavern Days
  • Автор: Earle Alice Morse
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain