Economics for Medical Students / Экономика для медиков (Е. А. Федоров). 2022г.

Книга "Экономика для Медицинских Студентов" - это учебное пособие, которое поможет студентам медицинских специальностей в развитии экономического мышления и обучении основным экономическим проблемам. Автор, Е.А. Фёдоров, всесторонне рассматривает экономическую теорию, экономическую логику и принятие эффективных решений, сочетая теорию с практическими примерами и контрольными вопросами в конце каждой главы.

Цель книги - обеспечить студентов фундаментальными знаниями экономики и помочь им понять принципы функционирования экономики и роли ее субъектов, а также научиться принимать экономические решения.

Учебник будет полезен студентам не только медицинских, но и других специальностей, которым следует знание экономики и ее логики в контексте здравоохранения. .

This textbook is devoted to fundamental economic matters and the basics of fostering economic thinking in students. Its content complies perfectly with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education (200X) given for the group of specializations on "Healthcare." With a focus on widening the sphere of knowledge and enlightening young professionals in various economic subjects, the textbook thoroughly covers economic concepts, categories, rationales for economic development, the logic and efficiency behind economic processes, main principles pertaining to optimal economic decision-making, micro- and macro-economic aspects related to the activities and interactions of various parties within the economy system. The aims of encouraging self reliance by students is realized through various control questions that follow each chapter. Last but not least, there is a glossary to be found at the end of the work. This textual compilation can serve as a solid theoretical source at first, useful in accomplishing self-made assignments. Educational novellenas is meant to enlighten medical students for comprehending various economic complexities frowned upon within healthcare sector while pursuing their education externally.

This textbook was written by E. A. Fedorov and it is devoted to fundamental questions in economics and fundamental academic development courses of the economic thinking level of students that are in full conformity with all standards and requirements within the Federal State educational guidelines represented by the 2012 revised curriculum. The textbook complexly analyses, studies and discusses various economic concepts and categories, these encompass economic development and a logics of efficiency, economic processes, principles of making optimum economic decisions, microeconomic and macroeconomic modules of the functioning of economy actors and how they interplay, cooperate and compete among each other. In order to encourage and strengthen independent students elements, their creative approach to the subject, we provide set of analysis and control questions at the end of each chapter, which ultimately will enhance students ’ efficiency in learning process. There is also a compiled glossary amidst the end sections of this guidebook. It can be used either as a theoretical sourcegraph or in conjunction with self-study unit. This textbook is meant for English studying medical students.


#учебники и пособия для вузов

#общая экономическая теория

#отраслевая и межотраслевая экономика

#английский язык

Economics for Medical Students / Экономика для медиков (Е. А. Федоров). 2022г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Economics for Medical Students / Экономика для медиков
  • Автор: Е. А. Федоров
  • Категория: Учебники и пособия для вузов
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 2022г.
  • Язык: Русский
  • Из Серий: Сеченовский университет
  • Паблишер: Лаборатория знаний
  • ISBN: 978-5-00101-985-5