Generation on a Tightrope. A Portrait of Today's College Student (Dean Diane R.).

Книга "Generation on a Tightrope: A Portrait of Today's College Student" (Поколение на канате: портрет современного студента) написана Артуром Левином и Дайан Р. Дин, которые изучают текущее поколение студентов в американских колледжах и университетах. Авторы предоставляют подробную картину молодежи, которая активно обсуждается в настоящее время. Книга содержит анализ того, что формирует ценности и убеждения студентов, как они используют свои знания и навыки, и куда они направляются в будущем. В ней также обсуждаются проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются студенты, и предлагаются решения для подготовки этого поколения к будущей жизни и лидерству в обществе. Книга рекомендована для прочтения для администраторов колледжей и университетов, профессоров, родителей, работодателей и государственных лидеров, которые заинтересованы в успехе студентов и будущем общества.

Praise for Arthur Levine's Generation on a Tightrope«Over the last forty years, Arthur Levine, has become the leading analyst of changing trends in American college populations. In this important and comprehensive study, he and co-author Diane R Dean provide a valuable and informed perspective on much discussed current generation» —Howard Gardner Hobbs professor of cognition and education,Harvard Graduate School ofEducation «Arthur Levines and Diane Dean approach today’s generation from the perspective of change in the context of our young people’s education experiences. This path-breaking analysis illuminates the influences that shape our youth and their reactions to the resources available to them. They offer insight into today’s immediate problems and celebrate their strong points, as well as providing a compelling guide for their futures, and ours». —Henry Louis Gates Jr Alphonse Fletchers University Professor HarvardUniversity «In this thought-provoking account of today’s students aspirations values and specific needs, Levines clearly-written and compelling work instigated a national dialogue on how higher-education systems should be redesigned to nurture the next — not only to cater to their effective employment landscapes, but also reinforce their multiple facets as integral components of society and contribute to establishe stronger communities —Astins, eminence professors emeritasHuman ScienceCenter,L.A.,and contributing authors of Cultivating Spirit HowHigher EducationCan Infuse StudentsWithInner Strengths «The enviable achievement of this work exceeds my ability to articulate. Through this substantial tome on our contemporary student demographic, this brings us closer to what is important to know and understand about our current students by eminent focal influences ofhigher-Education institutionsfor tomorrow’s leadersandcitizens—»—Gwen Dungenyeachifying ChargeNASPAand Kinds of Leaders LegitimatelyFederal Governmentand Public SectorLeaders, especiallyparents, practitioners and policymakers.«Generation on aTightrope: a PortraitofToday’ sinvestigCndenceInvestig*© (their inspiration as neither notion risks much risk-taking at the border line between theirsare essential development strategies, while personal identity may collectively stitch together a glorious treasury of individual experiences, wisdom, and belief systems.»


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Generation on a Tightrope. A Portrait of Today's College Student (Dean Diane R.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Generation on a Tightrope. A Portrait of Today's College Student
  • Автор: Dean Diane R.
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118220153