Contele Meu Pentru Totdeauna (Dawn Brower).

Книга “Моя любовь навеки” автор Dawn Brower - это история о настоящей любви, которая существует только в сказках. Главная героиня Ханна Найт уверена в этом, но ее жизнь полна трудностей и испытаний. Она вспоминает лето, проведенное в замке Манчестер, где она мечтала о счастливой жизни с мужчиной, который завоевал ее сердце. Война сделала Гаррика Эдвардс циничным, но он не ожидал, что его любовь будет такой сильной и настоящей, как у Ханны. Их история показывает, что даже в самых трудных обстоятельствах можно найти свою настоящую любовь.

Любовь существует только в балладах. Love only exists in ballads. So the young lady Hannah Knight believed. Her training period had been full of hardships, but there was one memory she always carried with her – even in the toughest moments. The summer spent at Manchester Castle, where she began to dream of a prosperous life right up to old age in the arms of the man who had won her heart. War turned Garrick ‘Gawk’ Edwards cynical. He did not expect to inherit the title and become Count of Manchester, but his brother had perished too soon, leaving behind a daughter and a mountain of debts. Without the slightest romantic inclination, he returned home. When he arrived he found Hannah there. Letters from her during the war gave him hope when it seemed they had all but disappeared; but he did not think she deserved his love. As they renewed their friendship, the two found the hope they thought they had lost. Deep within their hearts they clung to that hope and began to wonder if some dreams could indeed become reality. The question is whether they were ever truly brave enough to…

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#современная зарубежная литература

Contele Meu Pentru Totdeauna (Dawn Brower).

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