Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol (English Edition) (Charles Dickens).

" One day, at the moment when the cold, dim, smoky night was coming onto the earth, in the old Scrooge's room resided the whole burden of a heavy atmosphere of everyday worries. He sat silent, extremely frozen, when he heard the movements of other people beyond his window in the courtyard. They breathed heavily upon their chest and stomped their feet on the floor in an attempt to keep themselves warm. But, although it wasn't late yet, it was terribly dark — it became dark much earlier that day — the neighboring windows were already lit up, as if with red stains on the clear air. Despite the fog stretching into the house through every crevice, there were still clear views outside. The courtyard was extremely narrow, while the opposite houses looked as if they seemed like phantoms, because of the dense fog. If you took a closer look at these gray clouds, you'd think they were actually part of nature and were created at this moment. "
The novel «A ChristmasCarol » tells the tale of EbenezerScrooge - a strict millionaire, who's visited by a deceased Jacob Marley, past present and future spirits. CharlesDickens' work is a remarkable example of a variety of feelings and emotions, it has become a symbol of faith, hope and charity in everyone.

This book is Unknown to you, So I'm giving you a description :

"It is Christmas Eve in London in the past, and old Ebenezer Scrooge sits inside his building where it's freezing, dark and gloomy. One hears people with a cough outside and howling winds. It's dark, everyone is too tired or hungry for their daily celebration because everyone missed light the whole day before.The clocks are barely reached eight o' clock, but already it's really dark and candles in neighbouring buildings flicker like fueled flames on their gray misty atmosphere. The wetness comes in over every crack or doorway such that even though the street is very narrow, it's heavy dark as if inadvertently, a mammoth storm was Mother Earth's hand."

A Christmas Carol is Charles Dicken's story about Ebenezer Scooge, a greedy money orientated businessman and miser that is visited one stormy Christmas Eve by his former business partners spirit Jacob Marle, as well as the ghosts of Christmas' past, present and future.



Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol (English Edition) (Charles Dickens).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol (English Edition)
  • Автор: Charles Dickens
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783746784359