From Sand Hill to Pine (Bret Harte).

This book tells the story of a family of settlers who travel from Sand Hill in New York to Pine in Virginia in the early 19th century. It describes their journey through the hardships and tribulations they encounter along the way, with the hopes of starting a new life in an uninhabited land.

The book is one of Bret Harte's most popular works, and has become a classic American literature. With its simple language and poetic descriptions, it captures the spirit and vitality of the frontier period in America, as well as the struggle and survival of humanity in a hostile world. This book will appeal to readers who are interested in the pioneer spirit and the creative stories of those who were there during that time.

В этой книге рассказывается о жизни, проведенным на хлопковых полях Калифорнии в 40-х годах ХIХ века, и о том, как переселенец из Новой Англии Брет Гарт стал писателем.


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From Sand Hill to Pine (Bret Harte).

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