La Vendetta Di Suvi (Brenda Trim).

"La Vendetta Di Suvi" è un libro che racconta la storia di Suvi, la più giovane delle tre sorelle Rowan. A differenza delle sue sorelle, Suvi preferisce indossare tacchi alti anziché stivali da combattimento e ama partecipare a feste anziché combattere. Tuttavia, le circostanze la costringono a combattere più di quanto non desideri. Mentre cerca il loro arcinemico Cele, Suvi si imbatte nel compagno destinato che ha sognato per tutta la vita. Nonostante desideri organizzare una festa memorabile, lei e le sue sorelle hanno solo settantadue ore per risolvere un omicidio, smascherare un vampiro disonesto, fermare una strega malvagia che vuole rubare i loro poteri e salvare il suo compagno dall'esecuzione. Suvi vorrebbe solo trascorrere i giorni e le notti con il suo vampiro, ma il tempo stringe. Nel frattempo, Caine DuBray, l'unico vampiro presente sulla scena di un omicidio, si risveglia accanto al corpo esausto di una donna umana. Non ricorda i dettagli del loro incontro e viene accusato immediatamente della sua morte. Invece di giustiziarlo immediatamente, il Re dei vampiri gli concede tre giorni per dimostrare la sua innocenza. Durante la sua ricerca, Caine scopre che una delle streghe a cui si rivolge è la sua compagna destinata. La loro passione li travolge, offrendo loro la possibilità di trascorrere l'eternità insieme come una coppia affascinante.

Suvi.She is the youngest of three sisters, Rowan. She prefers heels to combat boots and parties to battles. Unfortunately, lately she finds herself fighting more than she drinks martinis. When not constructing the crusade they share with their sisters, she spends her time seeking their archnemesis, Cele. Seeing things their way, Suvi believes they've done their ‘part’, and it's time for the celebration she'd been longing for. But that's not in the cards as she meets her destined mate, though she's unable to organise the century-long party. Instead, she and her sisters have seventy-two hours to solve a murder, find an unfaithful vampire, stop a witch from stealing their powers and rescue her mate from a death sentence. All she wants is to spend her days and nights with her vampire, but time is running out.Suvi is the youngest member of the three sisters Rowan and she prefers high heels to battle boots and parties to battle. unfortunately, recently she finds herself engaging in fights more than indulging in martinis. As she does not engage in the activities she shares with her sisters she finds time to search for their enemy Cele. her views of things seeing them as they have, their part is done and the time has come for celebrations, something she did not intend on doing. as her journey comes to a head when she are introduced to her birthmark mate, atime she can not pleasure the party as planned. instead, her sister together has a sixty minutes to solve the crime, find a sorry vampire, keep the sorceress from harming her, and protect her loved one from the death penalty. all she desires is to share her time with her lover, but the clock is ticking. Caine's world is shattered when he wakes up next to a drained human woman. Being the only vampire in town, his passing is immediately attributed to him. believing himself innocent, this matter exceeds his abilities. rather than feeling its wrath, the King of Vampires shows mercy and offers him a reprieve.


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La Vendetta Di Suvi (Brenda Trim).

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