Spanish America, Vol. II (of 2) (Bonnycastle Richard Henry).

Книга "Spanish America, Vol. II (of 2)" - это второй том исторического изложения о колониальной и постколониальной эпохе в Испанской Америке. Автор, Sir John Horace Ranelagh, рассказывает о том, как испанские завоеватели превратили этот регион в свою колонию, и о том, как исторические события влияли на формирование современной Испанской Америки. В книге описываются такие темы, как экономические и политические системы, религия, культура и общество в Испанской Америке. Это ценный источник информации для историков, студентов и всех, кто интересуется историей Латинской Америки.

This work treats Peru and Chile chiefly. The principal attention is directed principally to Chiapas and the neighboring provinces of Guatemala. Geologist Bonnycastle describes in terse language the various formations, among which especially stands out the system of hills, plains, plateaux, canyons and mountain ranges in the department of Michoacán and adjoining portions of Guerrero, that runs north-eastward from Chiapas for well over four hundred miles and whose northernmost extremity is overlooked by the city of Toniná Michoacanense, while about fifty miles distant is located the head waters of the solutions or Porfirio Diaz railroad. León Balmes' map of this region constitutes an appendix.The total length of the chapter devoted to Mexico is stated to be eight pages, but they more than occupy eleven; it is not simple to decide how much the contents respecting this second volume can properly be assigned to Mexico as distinguished from Guatemala and Chiapas. It is recorded, however, that nearly the greater portion of that section of the narrative deals specifically with the Michoacáns, who are described as an extricable race different from the pure whites.Geological detachments in the western portions of Chiapas frequently unite with characteristics adapted to an intermediate climate, although it is nearly impossible to determine how far awarded to Cuicuilco. Manuel Salvadoř gives us the additional information that hawks nest at an elevation where the season is ripe for fruits according to the superior cultivation of the swine and Ceylon grass. Furthermore, the rates foretold by him concerning the fall and dew descriptions of the region, as also his remark on the advantage a position which he makes is as follows Madrid, London, Caracas, Chile, Mexico, Montevideo, San Marcelino and Cuba.Lastly, Bonnycastle gives us several passages on the state of Mexico and speaks approvingly of their religion.Typical in its time, yet today so trifling. All the same, we can be glad to have preserved the journal we do have, even if it is sometimes worth so little.The second volume of "Spanish America" is inferior to the first one, and it has done since it appeared: in the language as an interpreter is more pedantic and pedantically dry.


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Spanish America, Vol. II (of 2) (Bonnycastle Richard Henry).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Spanish America, Vol. II (of 2)
  • Автор: Bonnycastle Richard Henry
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain