In the Misty Seas: A Story of the Sealers of Behring Strait (Bindloss Harold).

Эта захватывающая книга повествует о приключениях охотников на тюленей в Беринговом проливе в конце 19 века. Главный герой, юный Джек, вместе со своим дядей отправляется в опасное плавание на корабле "Сирена" к берегам Аляски. Их цель - добыча ценных мехов тюленя для продажи. Но путь к богатству полон опасностей - штормы, туманы, айсберги и атаки китов подстерегают смелых путешественников повсюду.

На протяжении книги читатель следит за увлекательными приключениями экипажа корабля. Они охотятся на тюленей среди льдов, попадают в ловушки тумана, сражаются с акулами. Мы узнаем много интересного об охоте на морских животных и быте охотников того времени. Автор детально описывает суровые будни и опасности этого промысла.

Это захватывающая морская история, полная драматизма и приключений. Книга перенесет читателя в суровый мир охотников за пушниной 19 века и не даст заскучать ни на минуту. Идеальное чтение для любителей морских приключений и исторической литературы.

In the Misty Seas is a historical novel that tells the story of the sealers who lived and worked in Behring Strait, a narrow strait between the islands of Alaska and Siberia. The book follows the lives of several characters, including a young boy named Paul, who is fascinated by the sea and its creatures, and a veteran sealer named John, who has seen many hardships and struggles in his life.

The story begins with Paul’s family moving to the area to work as sealers, and he soon becomes involved in the hunt for seals and their oil. However, as the story progresses, Paul begins to question the morality of his father’s business, and his views on the world around him begin to change.

John, on the other hand, is a seasoned sealer who has seen many challenges in his life, but he remains committed to his job and to his family. He struggles to balance his work with his family life, and often finds himself torn between the two.

Through the characters’ experiences, Bindloss explores the harsh realities of life in the Arctic, the challenges of living in a remote area, and the complexities of human relationships. The book is filled with detailed descriptions of the natural beauty of the region, as well as the harshness of life on the sea.

In the Misty Seas offers a unique perspective on the lives of people who live and work in the Arctic environment. It is a story that will stay with you long after you have finished reading it, providing a glimpse into the fascinating world of the Arctic and its inhabitants.


#зарубежная классика

In the Misty Seas: A Story of the Sealers of Behring Strait (Bindloss Harold).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: In the Misty Seas: A Story of the Sealers of Behring Strait
  • Автор: Bindloss Harold
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain