Hyäne - Eine Erlösungsfantasie (Benjamin von Wyl).

"Hyäne: A Liberation Fantasy" by Benjamin von Wyle author - is an extraordinary novel, creating imaginary worlds vividly. The story starts with a man who becomes an astronaut, wold-famous but nervous about flying, and girl who is stuck between callcenter job and department store work but needs money badly, an activist who destroys department stores at night, servants of global multinationals projecting future utopias – where all people have freedom and prosperity. An artist helps them creating utopian world, after all.

The book suggests to read actively – besides supporting reading aloud.

Bulimic (delusional) global executive, uncomfortable when he doesn't fly, nervously surveills tensing extroverts. Young woman's fluid life between meaningless chat-centre and clothing department jobs weighed between need and illusion of choice; and an activist engaged in nightly supermarket destruction. Along with the clerical staff of a multinational employing the CEO for a month, combing a radical plan for humankind. Benjamin Von Wyl rushes us from the now into a future promising salvation.

He becomes uneasy when Nerves get the better of him at boarding: so he travels to a so-called down-market region of central Europe, but really only because Neocitrani offers him redemptions friend by means of its 'CEO for one month' programme. She every night pings along inside, watches the guard manning the front door of her Wertzkammer supermarket across, her life unstable, the jobs she takes providing an anachronous week. From this stuttering existence she's set adrift when she sees the guard upstairs being mugged, starts to follow her attacker. Hanna: a name, she, our narrator, follows: through parks, into the Jura. They form a capsule, a model of life.

Then the narrator makes an audition for the 'CEO for One Month' casting. Here the global executive will attempt to remodel her into 'uber-man'. Will Hanna search out the narrator increasingly anxiously. One night, tossing and turning amongst Protocols and logos, and before dawn she is skeptic. Are the people from Neocitrai's corporation really appropriating systems to enslave humanity ahead? No longer sure if so, she sets about destroying their stock-in-trade.



Hyäne - Eine Erlösungsfantasie (Benjamin von Wyl).

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