El zorro y los sabuesos (Rubén Alfonso Jr.).

"El Zorro and the Sabueses" is a novel by Ruben Alfonso JR that takes the reader on a thrilling and twisty ride that will keep them on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Alex Ramirez and Rachel Robinson are detectives who are called in to investigate a murder in the city of Miami that threatens to become a new chapter in a long chain of executions if the killer isn't caught soon. The killer is skillful and intelligent, and seems to be playing a game with the police via false and genuine leads that hop around from one spot to the next without any particular goal except to confuse them and accomplish his macabre task. Within this book, the author succeeds in crafting a remarkable story that keeps the reader absorbed from the opening line to the final page. Through the complexity of the characters as well as two different time lines and stories that come together in the end, "El Zorro" takes form as a powerful and gripping crime/thriller novel that may remind some readers at times of Julio Ibanez's "Seven," or Tom Clancy's "The Assignment."

Both Alex and Rachel have their own past that informs their personalities and characters, their lives, how they relate to people, their decisions and actions. Alex is a passionate cop who loves his job and is driven to solve all the crimes he investigates, particularly the one that cost his father his life. Rachel is an intelligent and observant forensic psychiatrist skilled at exploring the interior workings of people and their vulnerabilities, which she can

В Майами произошло убийство, и детектив Алекс Рамирес вместе с судмедэкспертом Рэйчел Робинсон пытаются найти убийцу. Тот явно демонстрирует свое превосходство, искусно запутывая следы. Детектив берется за дело всерьез, но будет ли он готов к изощренным экспериментам над разумом? Роман «El Zorro у los Sabuesos» — увлекательное сочетание острого сюжета и загадок психологии.



El zorro y los sabuesos (Rubén Alfonso Jr.).

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