"White Squad" by Annalu Bragha offers a delicious tale of crime, suspense, and romance set against the vibrant backdrop of Rio de Janeiro. The story follows twenty-four characters who are central to a dangerous plot that is revealed through thrilling, unraveling events.

From a socialite to a shifty exotic doctor, from a flirtatious nymphomanic nurse to her patient, to a disgraced police detective on the trail of a drug lord, each character has their own story to tell, both tragic and revelatory. By learning the secrets of everyone, White Squad brings together the fantastical and gritty in one electrifying narration.

In Rio de Janeiro's dystopian underworld, White Squad recounts an array of comedic and suspenseful interactions, both sadistic and inspired. Inside the space-age hospital, it's all about mystery, murder, and gambling blossoms. In the swanky party clubs frequented by their wealthy criminal cohorts, social clubs like luxury and power rule the day. At the same time, there are heartbreaking moments of distrust and love to set off the thrilling adventures of each character as they live out their wildly amusing yet twisted destinies on these streets of capital Brazil.

The plot of White Squad takes you on an exploratory journey into the depths of criminology, romantic intrigue, and filthy chaos. If you enjoy a thrilling narrative filled with sexual tension and sophistication, White Squad offers an undeniable escape from your every-day reality.


#современная зарубежная литература

White Squad (Annalu Braga).

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