"Saving Grace" by RaeAnne Thayne is a heartwarming novel that follows the story of Grace and Jack, who meet when Grace saves the life of their daughter. The two quickly fall for each other and form an unlikely but strong bond.

Grace's motives for saving the baby are unclear, but from the beginning it is clear that she has been through some tough times. She is evasive about her past but gradually reveals that she was orphaned at a young age and has struggled to build an identity for herself. During her life, she has faced so many challenges and tragedies that she stopped believing in herself and her potential.

Jack, on the other hand, is a dashing bachelor who is trying to get over the loss of his first wife. Grace's incredible act of selfless kindness triggers an emotional response from within him and sparks a series of uncontrollable desires to know more about her and connect with her in ways that he never thought possible before.

Soon after their first meeting, they find themselves inseparable. But as Grace begins to reciprocate Jack's feelings, she begins to discover that their relationship is far deeper and complicated than she ever imagined. As the novel progresses, you find yourself rooting for the unlikely pair of unlikely characters as they face their past, present, and future, together—but what of Jack's secretive nature, will Grace handle the truth?


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Saving Grace (RaeAnne  Thayne).

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