The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims, and Its Place in the Life of To-day (Addison Albert Christopher).

Книга "The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims, and Its Place in the Life of To-day" - это историческое изложение о паломниках, которые пересекли Атлантический океан на корабле Mayflower в 1620 году. Автор описывает их путешествие из Англии в Америку, борьбу за выживание в новом мире и взаимоотношения с коренными жителями. Книга также рассматривает влияние этого события на современное общество и культуру.

Translated from the German Edition by E. Scott Burgess An authoritative reprint of a classic work now in a new edition and from a distinguished historian of American history. Albert Christopher Addison's The Mayflower Diplomacy offers an enduring historical portrait of heroic settlers and their first European leader who transported the Plymouth Rock community to America in 1620. It takes a fresh look at the early immigration story of three generations of remarkable men and women claiming their rightful place in world history. I do not undertake to write letters of introduction to the great men whom God has placed in my path. But more, they labor and suffer for me as I do for them, and between us there can live up, degree and proportion as that is shown, the best of communications. That friendship should be unchangeable we must take it for granted. - Governor Popham Speaking of his relations with More and his adjustment to its New England neighbors, and removes the layers of relationship context to enlighten the psychology and allowing readers the benefit of Addison's thoughts on other foundational families like Rogers, other notable characters Joseph Hemenway and Priscilla Mullins, day-to-day struggles faced by women like Mary and Hannah Mather, and the occasion that justified the vigorous encounters and uncommon solutions to simple problems found woven into the tapestry of colonial New England society. Regrettably this edition omits a brief "Bibliographical Summary," which normally flows out of an index page on this printer's presentation, that provides sharp contextual dashes into the social, political, economic, religious, spiritual, ideological and dramatic milieu within which the sailing of the majestic Pilgrim Fleet from Boston to Plymouth took place. For example, what significance did Virginia had for their long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean especially in regard to religion, mortality and navigation techniques. Also what story was the daily food tab and sugar drink dispensation rationing freaking Overrelaxed amidships squabbling among the Holy Communion and Cross/Crosier men (Paul Seymour, Caius Wellerchuk and Abraham Holloway) who many of the men believed not to have died for old age, disability or accident but rather illness exacerbated by their terrible fermentation grog revelry. The chapter headings are descriptive and understandable and leave little room for misinterpretation but they are very terse, simply written with no flights of fancy, risqué observations or allusions. While a whimsical nature could be an intentional stand, the lack of witticisms and literary flair hinder slightly the reader approach to some of this emotionally charged material. Yet a part of the experience of reading such a classic style is the vividness of the imagined picture being conveyed, often with army fidelity.


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The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims, and Its Place in the Life of To-day (Addison Albert Christopher).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Romantic Story of the Mayflower Pilgrims, and Its Place in the Life of To-day
  • Автор: Addison Albert Christopher
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain