'The Fiddler and the Bacchanal Conspiracy' is a novel by Günter Huth, set in the fictional town of Weindorf in Bavaria. The novel follows the story of Erich and Elvira, who fall in love during their time together at a wine tasting in Germany. However, they soon learn that one of the wineries in Weindorf is hiding something deadly and are embroiled in a shady conspiracy that threatens life and livelihood.
The plot is an intriguing mix of international espionage, wine tasting, and love. It follows the journey of Erich, an ex-SS officer, as he sets out to uncover the mystery behind the fiddler's shrine in Weindorf. But his journey takes him into the corrupt world of wine trading, where he discovers a deadly confluence of greed, power, and shadowy figures. As the novel unfolds, Erich finds himself deepening his involvement in this sinister web and finds himself facing off against a variety of antagonists, including rival wine producers, a mysterious Russian drug company, and even his own past connections. Meanwhile, Elvira has her own troubles, discovering that she may have been involved in the mysterious disappearance of a missing lab technician. As her own life is threatened, she must navigate the tangled web of threats that Erich is facing, with dire consequences. 'The Fiddler and the Bacchanal Conspiracy' is a thrilling and intelligent adventure, weighing in on the ethical aspects of investigative journalism. It explores themes of justice, pride, and love, providing a complex image of modern-day Germany and its citizens.
Электронная Книга «Der Schoppenfetzer und die Bacchus-Verschwörung» написана автором Günter Huth в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Немецкий
ISBN: 9783429064655
Описание книги от Günter Huth
Die Winzer aus dem Weindorf Retzstadt haben viele innovative Ideen, um ihren Wein zu vermarkten. Durch Zufall entdecken sie in einem Weinberg etwas, was eine Revolution im Gesundheitsbereich auslösen könnte. Als die großen Weingüter im nahen Würzburg und ein russischer Pharmakonzern davon Wind bekommen, beginnt ein skrupelloser Wettstreit, der auch Todesopfer fordert. Völlig unerwartet schlittert auch diesmal Erich Rottmann in diesen Fall hinein und versucht, Licht in die Machenschaften der wetteifernden Interessengruppen zu bringen. Doch nicht nur Rottmann, sondern auch seine Jugendliebe Elvira ist – ohne es zu wissen – in diesen Fall verwickelt. Als Elvira spurlos verschwindet, zögert der pensionierte Kommissar nicht lange. Mit einem Stammtischbruder der Schoppenfetzer und seinem treuen Gefährten Öchsle begibt er sich auf eine gefährliche Mission.