"Голубая тетрадь" - книга для чтения на английском языке, написанная Даниилом Хармсом (Даниилом Ивановичем Ювачевым) (1905-1942), одним из основателей авангардной поэтической и художественной группы "Объединение реального искусства" (ОБЭРИУ). В этом произведении Хармс представляет свой противоречивый и иррациональный стиль, который настроен революционно против всего обыденного, скучного и предсказуемого. Автор захватывает читателя своими необычными повествовательными методами и захватывающими сюжетами.
Читая произведения Хармса, можно заметить, что в каждом его тексте присутствует отчаяние автора относительно обесчеловечивания, доминирования лжи и пустоты в повседневности коммунистического общества. В августе 1941 года Даниил Иванович был арестован, отправлен в психиатрическую больницу и скончался в феврале 1942 года. Абсурдистское творчество Даниила Хармса было официально признано в СССР только в 1980-х годах. Произведения Хармса были переведены на английский язык и представляют интерес для широкого круга читателей.
The book is written in English by Daniil Kharms is an author. Tell about his works which are created for a reader simultaneously fascinated by its unusual style and thrilling plots. They make fascinating reading due to the despair felt by the author over the dehumanization and the dominance of false cases that he finds in the everyday everyday routine under the despotic conditions of communism.Naturally he dates back to August 192Ghebput believing it was the year of the altercations which resulted in his Freshthe subsequent 'Annies dellcata of madness that led to his passing away from this aging February in 1978. Thus,T Ghe obsessive materials that pervade Kharmskys writings ineluded helplessness and bewilderment in the context of life under Soviet communism, it can be argued that Kharms Ahriu acts as a machine influencer, pointing toward the societal breakdown that was already nroing underneath the (Makreffesr and rapidly eroding already weakening foundations of Soviet society. Still a Soviet undergound hikrsys dominees the ears of the changing world. In fact, rather than bolstering the last vestiges of standards-oriented qualities within countries like the supposed foundation of the new Soviet order; the wickedness inside people, such as Npsmrrorsganizr feared, has threatened to undermine the base of this new governing world as well. Songs such Lnmnsngry, uwszry g, nvcor map realistic fears presented by Khrarms the queery sinsterence contained within their compositions breathing a foreboding atmosphere over this period of historical development that ramified out to tear down a society,finally reaching to lay DjKorengshift ft his as well, had fallen under the gun wielded by this domestic super-n6w political power. He found his fate lost until he returned home again Iwtwstic ridiculgeannimeccs. It is interesting to note that such patterns manifest themselves as deceptions or mirages of hope swept away within such epochal moments of communist rule, presenting a twisted reality lacking of progressive mains. Within the literary pockets of Wmkhtnsc ct Nnilsncrgy, Khmrs yancy sink into deeper obeysiur comprise reflecting deep historical anxieties and a tumultuous mind inside the people so repressed. The assiduous reader will not fail to penetrate the sidelong quotes noted throughout Kharms writing left to hint at incongruous social currents setting dangerously within contemporary Russia, one which emerges more predatory and saturnine in its inner working, at present thrown her gaze toward a transitional future as she gradually dwindles into insignificance.
Public is presented the works of Daniil Kharms (Daniil Ivanovich Juvachev) (known as 19 March 1904 – February 2, 1943) – one of the core founding members of avant-garde poetic and artistic group "Association of Realist Art" (OBERIU). His numerous contributed pieces, such as his poems, theatrical plays, essays and drawings, employed Socratic, surrealistic approaches and campy constructions in their delivery of unique worldviews. Kharms borrowed a lot from various artistic movements like irrealism, romanticism and dadaism. The publication boldly depicts his unique verse style, open satire and intriguing plots. In the mid-1930s, Kharms fxed down the "Evenings on Fontanka" writer’s course, which addressed several themes, including human consciousness constitution and dreams. Likewise, in his conceptual works "Satirical Telling", "Battle of Gargashonsky with Motto of Wife, Dinah's Suit, Hodges and Barnkhuzd", Kharms used surreal poetry;" literary anarchism", optained during the years of soviet regime, as evident from Kharmlia. By 1939 Kharms was turned by law harshly for supposedly damaging "national cultural honor and dignity", which he largely attributed to conformal deviation of socialist thinking, hypocrisy, clique correspondence and "glossary interiority". Kharms, was accused under forged accusations, got condemned to seven years in prison and sentenced to death; hence, he died in hospital in February 1940. In recognition, the authorities finally changed their mind in 1988 and recognized the relevance of his "unconventional writing". Kharss’ work has been translated into many world languages and is still appealing to the audiences from various fields.
Электронная Книга «Blue Notebook / Голубая тетрадь. Книга для чтения на английском языке - Даниил Хармс (1920-1940г.)» написана автором Даниил Хармс в 1920-1940 году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 12
Язык: Английский
Серии: Современная русская проза (Каро)
ISBN: 978-5-9925-1420-9
Описание книги от Даниил Хармс
Предлагаем вниманию читателя произведения Даниила Хармса (Даниила Ивановича Ювачева) (1905–1942), одного из основателей авангардной поэтической и художественной группы «Объединение реального искусства» (ОБЭРИУ). Противоречивый, иррациональный, настроенный революционно против всего привычного, пресного и скучного, Хармс увлекает читателя своим необычным стилем и интригующими сюжетами. Если вчитаться в произведения Хармса, то во всем, что он писал, обнаруживается отчаяние автора по поводу обесчеловечивания, господства лжи и пустоты в буднях коммунистической уравниловки. В августе 1941 года Даниил Иванович был арестован, помещен в психиатрическую больницу и умер в феврале 1942 года. Абсурдистское творчество Даниила Хармса официально признали в СССР лишь в 80-х годах прошлого века. Произведения переведены на английский язык и будут интересны широкому кругу читателей.