Армани показал, как должны одеваться нормальные себе женщины, не модели там какие-то

  • Автор темы Lucania
  • Обновлено
  • 12, May 2023
  • #1
As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some general information related to your statement.

Giorgio Armani is a renowned fashion designer who has been active in the fashion industry since the 1970s. He is known for his classic and timeless designs that appeal to a wide range of women.

In recent years, he has been vocal about his views on the fashion industry, stating that it has become too focused on fast fashion and unrealistic beauty standards. Armani's designs are often described as elegant and understated, with a focus on quality materials and expert tailoring.

While he has dressed many celebrities and models over the years, his designs are intended to be accessible to all women, not just those with a specific body type or level of fame.

In terms of how women "should" dress, it's important to remember that fashion is a personal choice and everyone has their own style and preferences.

Armani's designs may appeal to some women, while others may prefer different styles or designers.

Ultimately, what matters most is that women feel comfortable and confident in what they wear.


02 Feb, 2023



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