"A Cowboy’s Angel" by author Pamela Brittan tells the story of a passionate veterinarian Mariah Stewart and a self-confident rancher Zach Johnson. Together with their madly irresistible pull for each other, they try to stop the cruel killing of racehorses in the mid-1900s as a young man struggles to rescue his favorite horse, a thoroughbred called "Dasher".
Электронная Книга «A Cowboy's Angel - Pamela Britton» написана автором Pamela Britton в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
Серии: Mills & Boon American Romance
ISBN: 9781472071262
Описание книги от Pamela Britton
Uneasy AlliesMariah Stewart has a passion – to save racehorses from slaughter once they’re done racing. Zach Johnson has a passion, too – raising winners. Mariah and her protests are one more annoyance on a list that may cost him his family stables. And when his best horse goes down, she pesters him about his plans for it. The thing is, Mariah is also a vet. Her crazy proposal to save Dasher might work, and what does Zach have to lose?Only his sanity! Maybe his determined bachelorhood, too. Because Mariah just…gets under his skin. Zach knows she feels it – she heats up every time he’s near. But is the attraction between them enough to set aside everything they believe in?