Oriental Weddings - Iraq

  • Автор темы DedeStoorsRot
  • Обновлено
  • 19, Jun 2020
  • #1
Oriental weddings have always intrigued people from the other end of the Eurasian continent.

Like any part of culture in another nation, rituals and traditions have always been of great interest.

And wedding ceremonies all the more.

This time we will get acquainted with some traditions of Iraqi weddings.

They are really bright, intriguing and beautiful. According to ancient custom, many of the Iraqis still prefer to follow the tradition of dating through bridegrooms.

Moreover, the groom himself should not be on the bride.

The role of "appraisers" and "negotiators" is performed by close relatives from the groom's family.

This element of the Iraqi wedding is called Khazgini. In Iraq, one can recognize by the appearance of a girl whether she is married or not.

This information is still recognized by the special appearance of a headscarf tied to the head.

In addition, the white color of the scarf often means that the girl is not married.

The red color of the scarf means that the girl is married. Matchmakers can come into the house unexpectedly, without calls and warnings.

They can “fall over” at any moment, and you must meet them, because there are such customs in Iraqis. You need to set the table, give guests tea and listen to their speech, which they themselves will consider necessary when to say.

(And they may not say). The matchmakers ask the daughter-in-law to bring water.

And they drink very slowly to look at the daughter-in-law, at her behavior and appearance. In modern Iraq, even with such an examination and choice of the bride, the final decision on marriage remains with the bride herself.

Even if the bride’s parents and all the bride’s relatives, as well as the groom’s side and the groom himself really want a wedding, then it will not take place if the bride is against it. If the bride agrees, the matchmakers put a ring on the finger.

If all the conditions are met, then such a wedding awaits a lot of fun.

Typically, such a large event, hundreds of guests are invited.

Relatives are invited not only from this city, but also from others.


29 Apr, 2012


