Make a surprise

  • Автор темы DedeStoorsRot
  • Обновлено
  • 18, Jun 2020
  • #1
Which of us is indifferent to gifts? Probably no one.

A little less people who like to give them.

For when you give someone a gift - you give a part of yourself, you pick it up for a specific person, think about what he likes and what could please him.

In this case, packaging can play a decisive role, as psychologists have long proved that the first visual perception means a lot.

Surprise, which is well designed, creates a festive atmosphere and gives a lot of impressions that are not forgotten.

The packaging functions, as a way to preserve the gift, have long faded into the background. Nowadays, trends promoting aesthetics and environmental friendliness of packaging are in fashion.

Gift eco-packaging made of paper, cardboard or fabric containing bamboo, silk, cotton fibers can not only improve the ecology of the planet, but also involves an aesthetic design that returns us to its origins when our ancestors used only natural products and materials.

Souvenir products decorated with such materials will not only emphasize the taste and ability to navigate the modern trends of the donor, but also hint at his special attitude to the person to whom the gift is intended.

And if the package carries an element of personal participation (for example, made by own hands), then a gift in such a frame looks like an exclusive thing.


29 Apr, 2012



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