What is reality?

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 161
  • Обновлено
  • 22, Jun 2020
  • #1
REALITY - This is the Most Mundane, Momentary Awareness.

You must look at what you call “objective reality”, rising above the mental plane, i.e. without taking into account thoughts.

You do not fall into any “special states”, you use the most ordinary awareness (this is very important!), But without taking into account everything that thoughts tell you.

You do not consider thoughts!

This is not stupid staring eyes at the world with thoughts about how not to think! This non-thinking should be dictated by the only understanding that thoughts do not describe reality, that they invent different stories about it that it does not have.

Through this only understanding (and not by an act of will) you “rise” above the mental plane, get out of its action.

He is fooling you, misleading you, you take God for the "outside world". And these are only fictional stories! (God plays all kinds of things by himself ...)

Outside of the influence of the mental plane (or just thoughts), you become aware of the pure (true) reality as it is.

A way out of the action of the mental plane is exactly what Nisargadatta Maharaj speaks of as going beyond the limits of consciousness.

Because there is no other consciousness than the mental plane (the game of Cheat).

Thinking is consciousness.

And reality is awareness, the most mundane, momentary awareness.

See how it is without stories, without everything mental.

“Stop all mental processes,” says Nisargadatta Maharaj, “and see what remains.”

Reality - it is around, just wake up from the mental veil - this “Veil of Isis (Truth)” that hides Her face.

Understand the difference between the lack of thinking in the ordinary momentary awareness and the unconsciousness of deep sleep.

You need the first.

But here only understandings act, therefore your understanding at the same time is the right practical action, i.e. ignoring thoughts.

In other words, if you understand the essence of the practice, then the practice begins to be carried out by itself; you no longer take seriously what your thoughts say.

You treat them like stories about Pinocchio or Santa Claus.

And if this does not happen, then it means that there is no understanding yet,

until you realize that it is precisely thoughts that veil reality from you.

But this is normal, because no one immediately has it.

You do not need any asana or any other practices (because they are all a product of the mental plan!), You only need to get out of its influence, i.e. get out of the influence of thoughts.

Do not treat them as describing the real state of affairs.

Thoughts never described reality! Only Leela (Divine Daydream).

The last understanding that you must accept is the understanding that no understanding corresponds to Reality.

It will devastate you from all other understandings.

Not that you forget everything, no, you just won’t take it for reality,

as now you do not take for reality the fairy tale about Pinocchio.

You will not need to “live in the void”, no, of course, you will continue to participate in Leela’s participation, but you will no longer be afraid of her, because what she describes does not exist.

Now try to look at the world with ordinary awareness, but without taking into account what you are being told about it.

And the world will cease to be peace, it will cease to be with you two.

Try to transport, in the store, for a walk ... yes at every opportunity.


Nisargadatta Maharaj: “The Absolute and the knowledge of“ I am ”are not two.”

And this literally means that your identity is the Absolute!

Your identity is the mystery and mystery of all being, all universes, all manvantars, everything is solved at this point, if only it is solved.

Treat your self-awareness as God, this is not your thing - figuratively speaking, it is the breath of God.

But be extremely attentive to it, because it will reveal to you all the secrets of both being and non-being, it is an integral part of the Triune Absolute - that is what “your” self-consciousness is.

This is a piece of reality, real reality itself, not an illusion, which is everything that you know and perceive.

From the whole world, from the whole universe, only “your” self-consciousness is a true reality.

Just realize it !!!

Only "your" self-awareness is real, but it cannot be identified with anything.

Only your self-awareness is at your disposal to unravel the mystery of your being;

and nothing more that you could reach!

Everything else is a virtual world, an illusion, you have nothing to grab onto!

That is why you must give him the closest attention, the most sincere respect and the greatest devotion! The knowledge "I am" is a mystery and at the same time a solution to the Absolute.

You should not pollute it with any identifications, no associations, no representations, no images !!! This is God!

Do not look for the truth anywhere outside yourself, it is closer to you than your breath and thoughts, it is your self-awareness! Pure, divine, absolute!

That's when they say that God is within you, it is not somewhere in the body or in the soul, it is literally “your” self-consciousness, it is God, but do not pollute it with images! None!

If you give him all your devotion, all your interest and attention, then it will lead you beyond being and non-being, and you will have nothing more to fear.

Try to feel (realize) “your” self-awareness in its purity and worthlessness, i.e. without any images and ideas on his account.

Try daily meditation.

There is no other way! In my opinion, it is pointless to describe one of these two - the Center or the Periphery - as real, and the other as unreal, or as less real and solid, less I than the other.

In my opinion, it is also pointless to say that one depends on the other.

That my non-material consciousness here has this physical world as a basis.

Or, on the contrary, that this world is an accident, an unintentional and optional fun or projection of that Consciousness lying in its heart.

They are made from one piece, served together, and not separately.

I do not so much understand this or believe in it as I see it.

For example, I SEE right now that this Emptiness rather does not contain here, but there are these forms and these colors, this page and these hands.

As Zen insists, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, nirvana is no different from samsara, the lotus of enlightenment is one with the swamp of illusion in which it grows.

When I exclude one at the expense of the other, I am in trouble, and my enemy Death takes possession of me.

God is also powerless without his world, as is the world without him.

But when I perceive, when I consciously live their absolute unity, I embrace Death as a friend. Even for God - especially for God - as they say, there is always something. Douglas Harding


29 Apr, 2012



