How to Make Homemade Cottage Cheese Recipe

  • Автор темы ViNand
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  • 22, Jun 2020
  • #1
It's no secret that homemade cottage cheese is much tastier than cottage cheese from the store.

But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to buy it "from the village." A simple way out of the situation is to learn how to make homemade cottage cheese on your own. To make a really good cottage cheese, you will need homemade milk without any additives or impurities.

You must be sure of its high quality, because you can not boil it. To get 800-900 grams of cottage cheese, take 3 liters of milk. Leave the milk to skim for several days at room temperature.

The longer it sours, the more acidic the resulting cottage cheese.

The optimal time for souring is two days. Having made sour milk, gently, without stirring, pour into a bowl and put on a slow fire.

Keep the cookware on fire until whey separates from the liquid.

It is impossible to overdo milk on fire, if it reaches a boil, then home-made cottage cheese will have a rubber texture. After removing from heat, allow the liquid to cool.

Do the following at this time.

Make a colander or strainer.

At the bottom you need to lay gauze in several layers.

Make its edges hang from the edges of the colander.

Pour the contents of the pan into a colander.

Wait for the whey to drain, tie the edges of the gauze into a knot and hang the gauze over the dishes.

You cannot squeeze the contents of the gauze with your hands. When whey ceases to drip from the gauze bag, home-made cottage cheese is ready.

You can enjoy its natural taste whenever you want.


29 Apr, 2012



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