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  • 16, Jun 2020
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When a person is engaged in the spirit, he plunges into the fire. But one must be careful with the fire element, otherwise one can burn out in this fire, therefore one should not speed up one's searches.
Having understood this, a person understands that there is a fire, that there is an indestructible dome, that there is a fire of saints.
At the time of our birth, we still use the elements. When they were born, we do not need them, like diapers, like the bubble in which they had developed before.
At the time of birth, different elements are activated each time, and each time we work with completely different substances.
Working with the body, we mainly use land and water. When we work with the soul, we make the most of water and air.
When we begin to work with the spirit, we use ether and fire. When we work with God, we use fire and vacuum.
And so we gradually isolate ourselves. The body is earth and water.
Let us dwell on this birth. So, everything has reached the point, finally we understand that just a little bit more and everything in the world will change, we will change and everything will happen.
It will be accomplished and will be and will be true, and led, and known. Inside this point, infinity will begin to form, so colossal that it certainly cannot be described, but it must take place inside the point. At this moment, birth is just happening.
Infinity itself can be described as “not I”, but “I” has become small and rotates in a huge universal orbit, which is “not I”.
The circulation in this orbit and the birth itself occurs at the moment when “I” and “not I” are connected.

Esoterics. Fly and don't be afraid of heights

When a person is under the cover of his name, he depends on all people with this name.
If he manages to get out of this cover, become independent of the name, then he removed this layer from himself. Captivity of a surname is even heavier than captivity of a name.
For we can’t immerse ourselves in all names, but we are so immersed in our surname!
With our surname we have grown to our relative spacesuit.
Surnames live on our third Lemurian spacesuit and do not want to leave anywhere.
This is a suit of love. Men can get out of it because they have a brow.
In women, as a rule, the main business is love, and in order to break out of the third spacesuit, they change their surnames. Middle name is also a very strongly grown layer.
Western nations are trying to free themselves from patronymics and call people only by their first and last names.
Our country is the territory of the third spacesuit, the territory of Lemuria, the territory of love.
Nowhere do they talk so much about love as in Russia, nowhere do they write so much about it, nowhere do they strive for love so much as in Russia. Therefore, it is very difficult for a Russian person to break out of the third spacesuit.
Aryan spacesuit requires respect and respect. If we live in this spacesuit, we demand that we be respected. And as Russians, we are still trying to understand what is more important - love or respect. All five spacesuits keep us in films, in swaddling clothes.
We sit in them and cannot escape to the light. Through these veils the world is seen falsely, but it seems to us that is true.
Imagine for a moment that each person as an event, having plunged his high consciousness into five spacesuits, entering all diapers, looks at the world through five glasses.
Each person has these glasses of different transparency. There are heavily cloudy windows. Can the assimilation of knowledge through muddy spacesuits go normally?

Esoterics. Second stage of education

The second stage of enlightenment, and at the first you need to support, persuade, show something: "Yes, in fact you will be fine, you don’t worry."
For example, a woman calls: “I already had a ticket to school, and then a relative dies.
Lego kids constructor for your kids. What should I do?"
Naturally, the answer: “Of course, to come here, from here we will spend your relative in the fields, but you yourself may not be able to cope with your relative.”
“What will the family say?” After all, you have to stand at the tomb. ”
- "So why is it useless to stand at the tomb if you can really help him here?"
“So they won’t understand.”
- “Who do you care about now: about your deceased or about those relatives who will be standing at the tomb?”
Then - your right to choose ”- this is the second stage.
And then each of them chooses; further - passed the test or failed. Someone, of course, understands and arrives immediately and asks how to spend, how to help someone who is moving.
And someone remains to play games with these relatives and rumbles around at the coffin, and really can’t help, and misses the information - then this creature has the very beginning, the very beginning.
Finally, take possession of a completely magical crystal and go into humanity.
For what?
- In order to dissolve your Self. You cannot go into humanity if you have not passed the stage of earthling, because there is nothing to dissolve.
And always the first passage through the “Slaughter to Earth” is rhythm: know yourself, and finally, dissolve yourself.
At the third stage, trust is, of course, the maximum, so no one ever intervenes in your worldly affairs: "Not only you can always cope with this world, but also cope with those who go in the first stage."
You become a mentor, and you are given the right to help those who made the first step in the state of the student.


29 Apr, 2012



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