S # Convert the entire board to a list of characters
¶¡ # Split it on newlines
» # Join each inner list by spaces, and then each line by newlines
# (after which the result is output implicitly)
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Очень вероятно, что можно сжать жестко закодированную строку длиной 60, но я слишком ленив: P
Полная программа, которая принимает вектор чисел со стандартного ввода и выводит плату на стандартный вывод. Использует много r # Reverse the values on the stack
ǝ # Insert the "*" at the position of the list in the board-string
to place various things at various places, starting from an empty board. This is an interesting use case for an otherwise seldom used built-in "*"
Ungolfed с комментариями
# # S v
o # H#####|
| # |
| # So
| # #
^ H #
# #
# #
# H v
# # |
oS # |
| # |
|#####H # o
^ S # #
Питон 2, 476 байт
Короткое трехстрочное решение (Попробуйте онлайн)
∊ # Mirror vertically
2ä # Split it into two halves
` # Pop and push both halves separated to the stack
¶¡ # Split the top list on newlines again
? # Reverse each row
» # Join it by newlines
« # And then merge it back to the first halve
# And now we'll fix the arrows and lines:
8Å1 # Push a list of 8 1s
20Å0 # Push a list of 20 0s
« # Merge those two together
">>v^v^<<" # Push this string
„-| # Push string "-|"
S # Convert it to a pair of characters: ["-","|"]
5× # Repeat each 5 times: ["-----","|||||"]
J # Join it together to a string "-----|||||"
º # Mirror it horizontally: "-----||||||||||-----"
« # Append it to the arrows-string
S # Convert it to a list of characters
.; # Replace each of the 1s/0s one-by-one with these characters in the board
Однострочник в 534 (Попробуйте онлайн):
# # S 1
o # H#####0
0 # 0
0 # So
0 # #
1 H #
# #
Я предполагаю индексы безопасной зоны следующим образом:
.B # Box it. This will split on newlines, but also make all lines of equal
# length by adding trailing spaces
D # Duplicate this list of lines
€S # Convert each line to a list of characters
ø # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
? # Reverse each row
# (`øэ` basically rotates a character-matrix once clockwise)
J # Join each inner list together to a string
‚ # Pair it with the list of strings we duplicated
ø # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns
J # Join the pair of lines together
» # And join the lines by newlines
Пояснение (строки немного разделены для лучшего понимания):
# # S
o #
0 #
0 #
0 #
1 H
# Push compressed integer 68098022849564198525854900638097
" #\n0o1HS" # Push this string
Åв # Convert the large integer to base-" #\n0o1HS", which means it's converted
# to base-length, and then indexed into the string
J # And join the entire list of characters to a string
Попробуйте онлайн или проверить все тестовые случаи.
Начнем с создания списка всех возможных координат I # Push the input-list
è # Index it into the list we created
'* '# Push a "*" (which we will use later on)
on the finished board.
Список, который мы хотим создать для индексов, отсчитываемых от 0:
Дублированные координаты предназначены для позиций, находящихся в начале ползунка и заканчивающихся в конце ползунка.
Использование прямого сжатого списка составит 86 байт:
11Ý # Push a list in the range [0,11]
₅+ # Add 255 to each
R # And reverse it
14L # Push a list in the range [1,14]
17* # Multiply each by 17
R # And reverse it
15Ý # Push a list in the range [0,15]
¤ # Push its last value (15) (without popping the list itself)
D # Duplicate it
L # Create a list in the range [1,15]
17* # Multiply each by 17
+ # And add the 15 to each
¤ # Push its last value (270) without popping the list itself)
3L # Push a list in the range [1,3]
α # Take the absolute difference of each value with 270
4Ý # Push a list in the range [0,4]
© # Store it in variable `®` (without popping)
17* # Multiply each by 17
D # Duplicate this list
Ƶ— # Push compressed integer 251
α # And take the absolute difference of each value with this 251
s # Swap so the duplicated list of [0,4] * 17 is at the top again
19+ # Add 19 to each
® # Push the list in the range [0,4] again from variable `®`
Ƶ_ # Push compressed integer 222
+ # Add it to each
s # Swap the two lists at the top of the stack
® # Push the list in the range [0,4] once again from variable `®`
48α # Take the absolute difference of each value with 48
) # Now wrap all lists on the stack into a list
˜ # And flatten it to a single list
# And finally adjust this list with the slider positions:
•1ŠΓ;Ü|má• # Push compressed integer 108136777658162939
Ƶª # Push compressed integer 270
в # Convert the larger integer to base-270 as list:
# [1,9,32,102,134,238,261,269]
•5–à†@1δ!• # Push compressed integer 391758411553146080
Ƶ§ # Push compressed integer 267
в # Convert the larger integer to base-267 as list
# [4,13,83,34,236,187,257,266]
‡ # Transliterate; replace all values of the first list with the values of
# the second list in the big list we created earlier
Но вместо этого мы создаём список вручную в 79 байт:
Теперь, когда у нас есть список координат для [266,265,264,263,262,257,260,259,258,257,256,255,187,221,204,187,170,153,136,119,34,85,68,51,34,17,0,4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,13,10,11,12,13,14,15,83,49,66,83,100,117,236,151,168,185,202,219,236,253,270,266,268,267,251,234,217,200,183,222,223,224,225,226,19,36,53,70,87,48,47,46,45,44]
, we use the input to get the positions:
Теперь мы собираемся создать пустую доску (пока без пробелов). Мы делаем это следующим образом:
11Ý₅+R14L17*R15ݤDL17*+¤3Lα4Ý©17*DƵ—αs19+®Ƶ_+s®48α)˜•1ŠΓ;Ü|má•Ƶªв•5–à†@1δ!•Ƶ§в‡Iè'*•3‡Ù¬¨èˆ‚1æ°þBÚ•" #
Теперь у нас есть четверть доски в качестве шаблона (без конечных пробелов):
# Hardcode board. Spaces are changed to their number in hex (as there are up to 14 spaces in row)
# Unfortunatly v^<> characters made board non-symmetrical and replacing chars costs too much in python, so I had to hardcode it all
# Encode board to list of lists of characters
s=map(list,''.join(b if b in'#^v<>-|oSH~'else' '*int(b,16)for b in B).split('~'))
# Map coordinates, based on n (awfully long)
# Creates long list (lenght of 80) with values based on n and only one valid, which occures under index n
l=lambda n:([11-n,15]*12+[0,26-n]*14+[n-26,0]*16+[15,n-41]*14+[71-n,15]*4+[13,n-50]*5+[70-n,13]*5+[2,75-n]*5+[n-65,2]*5)[2*n:2*n+2]
# Returns additional move of n if it appers to be on slide start
j=lambda n:4if n in[5,20,35,50]else 3if n in[12,27,42,57]else 0
# Here takes input as list of numbers, get coordinates for them and update board with *
for i in input():x,y=l(j(i)+i);s[y][x]='*'
# Print board, spacing characters with one whitespace
for r in s:print' '.join(r)
Который мы будем использовать для создания всей доски:
# > - - o # # # # > - - - o # #
# 74 S v
o 73 H 75 76 77 78 79 |
| 72 |
| 71 S o
| 70 #
^ H #
# #
# #
# H v
# 60 |
o S 61 |
| 62 |
| 69 68 67 66 65 H 63 o
^ S 64 #
# # o - - - < # # # # o - - < #
Теперь у нас есть половина доски:
for r in(lambda B,I:[[[i,j]in map(lambda n:([11-n,15]*12+[0,26-n]*14+[n-26,0]*16+[15,n-41]*14+[71-n,15]*4+[13,n-50]*5+[n-64,13]*5+[2,75-n]*5+[n-65,2]*5)[2*n:2*n+2],map(lambda n:n+4if n in[5,20,35,50]else n+3if n in[12,27,42,57]else n,I))and'*'or b for i,b in enumerate(a)]for j,a in enumerate(B)])(map(list,''.join(b if b in'#^v<>-|oSH~'else' '*int(b,16)for b in"#>--o####>---o##~#1#1SAv~o1#6H#####|~|1#C|~|1#BSo~|1#C#~^1HC#~#E#~#E#~#CH1v~#C#1|~oSB#1|~|C#1|~|#####H6#1o~^AS1#1#~##o---<####o--<#").split('~')),input()):print' '.join(r)
И мы продолжим:
s=map(list,''.join(b if b in'#^v<>-|oSH~'else' '*int(b,16)for b in "#>--o####>---o##~#1#1SAv~o1#6H#####|~|1#C|~|1#BSo~|1#C#~^1HC#~#E#~#E#~#CH1v~#C#1|~oSB#1|~|C#1|~|#####H6#1o~^AS1#1#~##o---<####o--<#").split('~'))
for i in input():x,y=(lambda n:([11-n,15]*12+[0,26-n]*14+[n-26,0]*16+[15,n-41]*14+[71-n,15]*4+[13,n-50]*5+[70-n,13]*5+[2,75-n]*5+[n-65,2]*5)[2*n:2*n+2])((lambda n:4if n in[5,20,35,50]else 3if n in[12,27,42,57]else 0)(i)+i);s[y][x]='*'
for r in s:print' '.join(r)
В итоге мы имеем заполненную пустую доску (без пробелов):
⍝ Hardcoded string of the 80 positions that can be occupied by players
⍝ Place '*' for actual players' positions
s←'*'@({(60>⍵)⊃⍵,60|⍵+4 3+.×5 12=15|⍵}¨⎕)⊢s
({ }¨⎕) ⍝ Take input and slide the positions
⍵+4.3+.×5 12=15|⍵ ⍝ If n=5, add 4; if n=12, add 3
60| ⍝ Wrap 60 to 0
(60>⍵)⊃⍵, ⍝ Discard change if n is 60 or higher
'*'@ ... ⊢s ⍝ Overwrite '*' at players' positions on s
⍝ Helper function to generate positions on 2D board
g←(15∘-,⊢)(|15 0-⌽)¨,⊢ ⍝ Take a vector of coordinates on the right side
,⊢ ⍝ Prepend to self...
(|15 0-⌽)¨ ⍝ abs((15-y,x)); 90 degrees counterclockwise
(15∘-,⊢) ⍝ Take the above and prepend 180 degrees rotation
⍝ Main result
(~2|⍳31)\'H'@(g⊂2 9)⊢'S'@(g⊂4 14)⊢s@((4⌽g 15,⍨¨⍳15),g 2,¨14-⍳5)⊢16 16⍴''
16 16⍴'' ⍝ Empty 16×16 board
s@((4⌽g 15,⍨¨⍳15),g 2,¨14-⍳5) ⍝ Place the 80 chars around the board
(4⌽g 15,⍨¨⍳15) ⍝ First 60 positions on the boundaries
,g 2,¨14-⍳5 ⍝ and the other 20 positions inside
'S'@(g⊂4 14) ⍝ Place S's
'H'@(g⊂2 9) ⍝ Place H's
(~2|⍳31)\ ⍝ Insert blank columns
Затем мы разместим @
we pushed earlier at the positions we calculated earlier:
И, наконец, исправим пробелы в столбцах и выведем результат:
(~2|⍳31)\'H'@(g⊂2 9)⊢'S'@(g⊂4 14)⊢('*'@({(60>⍵)⊃⍵,60|⍵+4 3+.×5 12=15|⍵}¨⎕)⊢'o####<---o##^||o####^|||o##>--o####>---o##v||o####v|||o##<--',20⍴'#')@((4⌽g 15,⍨¨⍳15),(g←(15∘-,⊢)(|15 0-⌽)¨,⊢)2,¨14-⍳5)⊢16 16⍴''
См. мой совет по 05AB1E (разделы Как сжать большие целые числа? и Как сжать целочисленные списки?) чтобы понять, как работает сжатие.
Я использовал этот совет 05AB1E для создания четверти доски.