Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China (Жюль Верн).

"Death and the Chinese in China" is a work of fiction by Jules Verne, published in 1878. It is about the problems of Chinese people in foreign countries.

The book tells the story of a young Chinese man who flees from his native village to escape his unhappiness. He hopes that China will be more tolerant and kind to him. However, when he finally reaches China, he finds out that his dreams have been betrayed. A Chinese immigrant worker, he struggles to survive under difficult conditions.

He experiences hardships such as the abuse of cruel employers, the physical pain of labor in harsh working conditions, starvation, and social isolation. In addition to this, there are internal conflicts between ethnicities present in the countries where he is forced to reside. He gradually comes to realize that it is not possible for him to live in peace in these countries. Though he loves them, they seem hostile and heartless toward all foreigners especially toward those of the Chinese race.

Through this narrative, Jules Verne emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding between races. The author's message is clear: all human beings deserve equal respect and treatment, regardless of their skin color or ethnicity.

Despite its grim tone, "Death and Chinese in China," is still a work of classical literary value. Its themes and stylistic treatment resonate with readers of different generations and eras.

Произведение Жюля Верна "Путешествие вокруг света за 80 дней" рассказывает увлекательную историю об английском предпринимателе Филепе Скрулле, задумавшем совершить путешествие вокруг земного шара всего лишь за восемьдесят дней. Герой заручается поддержкой веселого француза Филеаса Фогга, амбициозной юной американки Элизы Безуховой, а также находчивого лакея Паспарту. Попав во множество смешных и опасных ситуаций, неугомонные путешественники стремятся воплотить свой дерзкий замысел.




Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China (Жюль Верн).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Die Leiden eines Chinesen in China
  • Автор: Жюль Верн
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Из Серий: Jules-Verne-Reihe
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783955015640