Männerphantasien - Fotomanien (Yupag Chinasky).

"Männerphantasiephotomanie" - книга, написанная Yupag Chinaska. В ней рассказывается о неожиданных и увлекательных событиях, связанных с фотографией.

Повествование книги рассказывает о людях, которые сталкиваются с различными затруднениями в попытках запечатлеть свои желания с помощью фотографии. Например, один мужчина встречает привлекательную женщину, которую он хочет запечатлеть, но она соглашается только за плату. Другой фотограф случайно врывается в дом, где он сталкивается с маленькой девочкой, которая предлагает ему свой букет гладиолусов. Так или иначе, главный герой делает много фотографий, преследуя различные цели, и зачастую эти ситуации приводят к очень неожиданным финалам.

Книга "Männersphantaiephotomanie" - это увлекательный поток историй с неожиданными поворотами событий.

In these stories, complications arise when someone takes photographs. One person wants to take photographs, but this upsets another and, though the taking of the photographs is agreed upon, problems may still arise. For the photographer to enjoy his passion, he must make many sacrifices. Thus an man meets a young, attractive woman on a playground and she agrees to allow him to take her portrait. He does so, albeit against payment. The photos turn out to be successful for both of them and they become very close, but unfortunately someone else interferes and it becomes complicated. Or the story of the flower girl. She sits by a dull house wall selling a bouquet of gladioli. The man smiles at the child, takes a photograph, gives her a pack of gummy candy as thanks, and also takes a final shot. Suddenly, a green Minna appears and after that, the journey becomes unpleasant. Another photographer is lured into a dwelling and left alone under pretense. But not long after a young girl enters the room, almost a child with large eyes and some kind of naive facial expression. He takes shots he better had not. A man continually walks through the labyrinth around the train station, through the streets with the colorful neon lights and the women in the shop windows, seeking motives, experiences and an opportunity to overcome this fear before women. And finally, the tourist, who in the Maghreb found abundant photographic motives too, finds a short, unique revealing situation. Finally, one pleasant holiday wanted a person to spend the night before their flight in peace, but then he saw this lady on the terrace of the restaurant and afterwards things changed drastically and he was happy to just lie in the road dirt.



Männerphantasien - Fotomanien (Yupag Chinasky).

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