What is the role of technology in society? The Role of Technology in Society: A Comprehensive Guide to its Advantages, Disadvantages and Ethical Aspects (Александр Чичулин).

Автор "Что такое роль технологии в обществе?" Александр Чичурин предлагает читателю обзор и анализ преимуществ и недостатков и этических аспектов развития и влияния технологий и новых, но развивающихся технологий на общество в целом. В книге рассматриваются как историческая эволюция технологии, так и ее текущие и будущие влияние на нашу жизнь.

This book analyses the prominent features of modern technologies, their practical and theoretical aspects, present and future orientated innovational trends superimpose on sociology, economics, ethics, cultural, psychological and semantical developments.

The distinct perspective of this book is exercised with interdisciplinary and holistic approach constituting quintessential groundwork for the systematic study of advantages and fraudulent practices modelled on the benefits of the developing information technologies ("digital revolutions").

In this respect, the authors adhere to the idea of evolution and recapitulation providing unique and unbiassed explanation about the design models and results eventually formed during the long process of technological evolving.

Besides the exploration of futuristic technologies and postmodern paradigms, this book elucidates the potential theoretical landmarks in the topological and temporal contexts of contemporary informational society projecting technophobia and technology determinism as volatile lines of extremities easily uncoverable to the myriad influences and ramifications of intersecting gigantically varying issuses and concerns of techno-societal transformations.


#научная фантастика

What is the role of technology in society? The Role of Technology in Society: A Comprehensive Guide to its Advantages, Disadvantages and Ethical Aspects (Александр Чичулин).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: What is the role of technology in society? The Role of Technology in Society: A Comprehensive Guide to its Advantages, Disadvantages and Ethical Aspects
  • Автор: Александр Чичулин
  • Категория: Научная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005998897