Wolfgang Serafim, fleeing from Schlesien to Swabia at the age of eight in 1945 and being accepted by two unknown women together with his mother and sister during bitterly cold February night, describes in the charm of a mischievous child his happy childhood. His heart-felt humor is not lost, even on his journey and stressful school life. A life-long motto accompanies him above the new education hall in his home university of Tübingen: ATTEMPTO, I DARE TO DO IT. After studies and work as a renowned internist in his own practice, after completing studies, he is welcomed by the "Not-Help Committee" headed by Rupert Nedecko initially on the "Cap Amarin" to rescue Vietnamese boat people. Subsequently, he works with ethnic groups in Ogadena in northern Somalia. Over 80 years old, he continues to be committed nowadays, so that refugees can find a new home in us.

The author always relies upon events and excitingly recounts his adventures. He does not spare criticism of both well-known large aid organizations as well as his own deficiencies. He wrote his life story for a younger generation, which stands at the beginning of great political, social and climate changes.


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Attempto (Wolfgang Seraphim).

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