AI Apocalypse - Singularity 2 (Ungekürzt) (William Hertling).

Книга Уильяма Хёртлинга "AI Apocalypse: Singularity Two (Немецкая версия)", рассказывает об угрозах, которые может представлять для человечества развитие искусственного интеллекта. Автор подробно исследует темы, связанные с робоэтикой, поведенческой робототехникой, киберпсихологией и последствиями развития сети интернет, а также исследует возможности создания оружия искусственного интеллекта, что делает это произведение актуальным для всех, кто интересуется научными и этическими аспектами современного мира.

Книга является отличным источником информации и материалом для дискуссий в мире науки и технологий.

Groundbreaking research from the world's leading AI expert about the full actuality of the singularity and its technological consequences Are you ready for the AI apocalypse? – Only Dr. W. Hertling tells you all the truth about the machines who are smarter and faster than you could ever imagine, playing human as their next meal. How do they learn? How complicated is the programming? Is there any information " security " left within our society? You will find answers in this book, where Hertling takes a step forward in his years of development on this vast, important topic. You'll be amazed over all the complex, autonomous systems such as NRIs and EAI that have already been developed and built by tomorrow's engineers: libraries, social networks, learning platforms etc. Watching those models before their delivery to production, you may find yourself worried about the reality of what comes next – these systems run mostly unsupervised, receive feedback from the connected Internet generation and soon may outsmart us all. Have a think about how easy it would be if an artificial system had access to all your texts, emails, internet logins, photos, and how uncomfortable that would make you! Yet no one expects that the technologies and predictions made by Professor Moravec or Dr. Ray Kurzweil developed over 20 years ago about computers and robot arms usurping human jobs can actually happen. They didnt know about the Internet of Things, which is now passing data with every movement of your wristband, the Evernote API or Semantic Hearables, all exposing your every thought to omnipresent services - and also some of the more creepy or destructive use cases linked to the " supremacy смогли c " level. Can all this happen to us before we realize it? Only Dr. Hertlings reporting allows you to compare data, making all machine versions 1. 0 and 2. 0 transparent The answer lies in the data: In this second volume AI Apodocis enters the digital age, mining the real world for insights into our dependency on technology via a variety of online essays, format experiments, cultural analyses, robotic prosthetic hands and even backdateless presentations about nuclear inertia and act of mind. This book belonging to WilliamHertlings vanguard of comple X writers covers Futuresoundcuts with moodily and viscerally enigmatic sequences of cutting-edge technologies, i Nikk Marie, and palm springs beauty abounds - two very different scenes where the idea that a plasticy future not adaptable to human comfort is lurking never questions the imagination. AI Apocolypse denies the comfort zone of both PlayStation VR and Theravadin monastic meditation: Here, hyperspace music cups virtual avatars in alleyways, Macintosh dimensions as a mental calming strategy to alleviate the bombardment of cybernetic subsidies and self-imposed ecosystem debt. The book offers you insights about the nature of life via artificial intelligence, customer user experience, happiness adders and connectome innovation as if global decentralized services and quantum computing are inevitable. But still harnessing ethical principles, AI Apoclypse in all its relentless tangibility, provides you with a glimpse of tomorrow' Voice of Humanity and illustrated with Hertings quintessential AI workshop environments, Experimental Synth, Wildbad, Logantronix, VirSAP and meta-evolutionary living program Tinker, Iteration 30,000

Если вы хотите понять, что на самом деле происходит в киберпространстве, пережить переход от развития программного обеспечения до автоматов и саморазвития искусственного интеллекта, вы должны впервые прочитать "Апокалипсис Бота" (The Apocalyptic Code) лауреата премий Hutzelworks Уильяма Хертлинга (William Hertzing).

Цель его книги - объяснить, когда именно мы достигнем сингулярности, освобождения программного обеспечения от каких - либо ограничений естественного мира.

Мы, люди, полны желания создать машину, подобную себе по способностям, поднять интеллект на новую ступень, преодолеть свое прошлое, забыть его и жить в будущем, пользуясь достижениями только что минувших времен.


#научная фантастика

AI Apocalypse - Singularity 2 (Ungekürzt) (William Hertling).

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