Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France (Weyman Stanley John).

Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France - это сборник исторических романов, написанных британским писателем Стэнли Джей Уэйманом в начале XX века. Книга состоит из трех отдельных историй, каждая из которых рассказывает о приключениях героев во временах Французской революции и Реставрации.

"Под красным мантиком" - история молодого адвоката, который должен защищать своего клиента от обвинений в измене короне. В процессе защиты он сталкивается с интригами и опасностями, связанными с политической борьбой того времени.

"Граф Ганнибал" - история молодого аристократа, который вынужден стать пиратом, чтобы отомстить за убийство своей семьи. В процессе он становится легендой и вызывает уважение даже у своих врагов.

"Джентльмен из Франции" - история дворянина, который сталкивается с политическими интригами и романтическими приключениями во время правления короля Людовика XIII. Он вынужден выбирать между своей верностью королю и своей любовью к красавице-шпионке.

Книга представляет собой увлекательное путешествие в прошлое, полное опасностей, романтики и приключений. Она будет интересна всем любителям исторических романов и тем, кто хочет окунуться в захватывающий мир Франции XVII-XVIII веков.

In his new Historical Romance volume Under the Red Robe Weyman Stanley-John provides backstory and fragile romance in historical context, pairing genuine debutant characters Richard Weymar and Lorraine de Warenne with original tales of sacred love and forbidden passion unfolding against a backdrop of the bloody French Wars of Religion. With outstanding dialogue, well-timed antics, and an exciting plot that will keep you awake through the wee hours of story-hungry nights – Under the Red Robe is a delightful and unforgettable first novel from an author whose previous Sword & Sorceress series was hailed by fans. As is the case with anything Weyman's pen creates, the excitement starts with the First Meeting of Lorraine (pictured above) and Richard when, whilst on a trip to meet her future suitor and now Duke of Milan, Lorraine falls into his clutches in the course of a stormy sea adventure. An unsuitable match leaving Lorraine with greatly endangered honour and the helpless parley placed in Richard's capable hands, this plot twist provides the spark needed to get readers hooked into the charming bond that grows between these two diverse outsiders in a world whose compromises are never more stark than beneath the cover of night and where hearts are as easily disqualifying as swords unsheathed. Richard, it turns out, is n't only gifted with a love of sailing and outstanding swordplay but also a warm heart and admirable qualities that lean heavily on his duty to honour Lorraine as he weaves himself a path through a dangerous and convoluted conspiracy to save her and claim her as his very own, while questioning the traditionalities of his father's role as lover and protector. The authenticity of Orlando and Imogen's relationship was something that gripped readers with such affection and commended them for their loyalty and Christianity. In Under the Red Rose, the romance between Count Hannibal de Ferrara (as styled in contemporary Spanish Romance) and his true love; Barbara of Portugal, adds beautiful historical flair at many levels. Barbara, daughter of Manuel I of Portugal and of queen Beatrice of England, is one of the great unfulfilled paramours of untimely royalty. A passionate tragic figure, she is set against the backdrop of one of monarchs most turbulent and famed reigns, united at the same time with one of Europe's oldest romance traditions the spiritual and intellectual inspiration of Galileo, of Coleridge, and of Dante, in which Barbara shows marked attentiveness towards Weylan and Yeats through her devotion to the horror that is guided by the faith and honor of man. While lamenting the distress to the titles of 2 lost lovers, Lane has crafted a book which allows the reader to learn about not only history and relationships but romance and courage from a refreshing new light. In breathtaking prose, we are presented a meticulous portrait of Barbara in her explosive relationship with Hannibal; complexities layered within the fact that both are royalty and that forcing their love to coalesce means leaving their kingdoms in turmoil, testimonies of motherhood and love for all true and intolerable lovers. A unique set of interests, a preciously rare pair as lovers and as subjects never before enjoyed in New Historical Romance or historical fiction, Under the Red Collar is guaranteed to delight and occupy any reader with a taste for a well-crafted tale of loyalties, betrayals and slow-burning romance mirrored against a land shrouded with bloodsheds and often the sacrifice of sentimental ties.


#зарубежная классика

Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France (Weyman Stanley John).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France
  • Автор: Weyman Stanley John
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain