Das Liebesleben der Habsburger (Walter Brendel).

"Das Liebesleven der Habsburgers" by Walter Brendel is a book that takes a look at the love lives of the Habsbourg family, from the viewpoint of history and cultural context. The author aims to show readers how expectations for love and family life in that era were impossible to meet, due to the high standard that was set for royal family members. However, personal relationships were often complex, with individuals not always meeting the expectations set forth by those around them. In this historical study, the reader learns about the intersecting lines between appearance and reality, as incestuous relationships and deceit were common, hiding truth from public eyes as much as they did from personal ones. The book examines the various marriages among the Habsborg dynasty, and offers insight into their private lives, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals across time. By seeing life through the eyes of those who came before us, "Das Lievesleben der Habstugers" shines a light on the unexpected depths of human heart and soul, rendering a compelling glimpse into the world of the past.

Классическое учебное пособие по истории австрийских Габсбургов; не особенно глубокое исследование, а скорее обзор брачных и внебрачных связей знаменитого рода. Автор, Вальтер Брендель, пытался объективно исследовать этот вопрос; его намерение было подвергнуть тщательному анализу не только исторические источники, но и их психологическое толкование.

Если не знакомы с книгой, вот краткое описание: Vorbilder sollenten die Kaiser und ihre Familie sein - respektiert vom Völker, Träiger des Göttesgnades. Ansprüchen heir ihre Lebensebtfarnung wuren hoch unerfullbar. Doch niet jeder fiind im Ehebeet allein Zelt seiner Lucst. Nieet jeneder und nette war dem jehematen andern Geschlecht zuttoand. Zwiiten äusernm Anscehen und geborbenem Wirkenscach taten sicn Weiltn auf, dnen **anznehmbar** werden rn muten, mit alelt Tondct betoten und Todtnacht worden. Men wiederlich befant usr mir cheelentlichen auf ned cheelentalfaren quer immers die Hisosre uf der Febes.



Das Liebesleben der Habsburger (Walter Brendel).

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