Communicating the Future (W. Lance Bennett).

Communicating the Future - это увлекательная и практическая книга для всех, кто хочет лучше понимать, как общаться и сотрудничать в контексте быстро меняющегося будущего. Автор, профессор социальной науки из Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе, Уильям Лэнс Беннетт исследует, как наш язык, тон, эмоции и невербальное общение влияют на нашу способность строить гармоничные отношения и строить более справедливое и равноправное будущее. Книга учит читателей, как проверять свои собственные суждения, определять потребности разных людей и излагать аргументы, которые будут убедительно донесены до каждого участника разговора.Это - увлекательное чтение и ценный источник советов и приемов, позволяющих говорить так, чтобы достигать взаимного понимания с другими людьми.

About the book: Your inner child may long to explore outer space, discover the mysteries of genetics, or Google world events to see how influential they can be as journalists! For others, a career in news might seem stressful or boring. Whatever your reason for wanting to strengthen your skills as a news consumer or news producer, Lance Bennett, founder of MIT's Center for Civic Media, has a book just for you - plus a free three-minute audio version. Bennett is a contributing writer for the New York Times and author of the bestseller "Who Says You Can't Have It All?" From his New York offices, Bennett walks you through research, writing, editing, and proofreading methods that will help turn even the most mundane story into history. In a heavy dose of tech criticism and hilarious, methodical advice, you will discover: stories are written not written; gossip is journalism; lurks work well in online news; and cocktail parties offer excellent material. And why Bradley Manning became America's first "successful terrorist." In his student years, Lance Bennett prided himself on pointing out errors in the NYTimes. Now he helps reporters and prospective journalists learn how to produce better stories. His goal? To encourage social democracy: everyone being able to exploit and contribute knowledge and expertise to public communication. So whether you want to improve your resume with a piece about the cycle of violence in Rwanda or hone your blog post skills come epic Ramadan tales, Bennett has all you need. Exposed" Jarrett Schulenburg. "To journalists and anyone interested in learning and improving their mental and professional toolkit, the advice contained within these pages becomes a handy roadmap for anyone wanting to get things done well and learn the tips of success".- NvidiaFanOfFourGreenSai.


#учебная литература

Communicating the Future (W. Lance Bennett).

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