Истинная жизнь Севастьяна Найта (Владимир Набоков). 1941г.

«Истинная Жизнь Севастиана Найта» - второй англоязычный роман Владимира Набокова, в котором он впервые обратился к теме загадочных убийств, психологии и мистицизма. Книга является превосходным примером метаромана, полна анаграмм и зашифрованных посланий. Главный герой романа

Первый роман Владимира Набокова на английском языке. История о загадочной жизни братьев — погибшего и живущего. Чтобы узнать хоть что-нибудь о личности Севастьяна в этом псевдо-детективном романе, состоящем из криптограмм, анаграмм и множества слоев, рассказчику-повествователю предстоит сначала разгадать тайну их жизни и смерти. И постепенно в ходе расследования его ждет погружение в мир романов непостижимого писателя — и в мир собственного сознания, которое всё больше запутывается в набоковских лабиринтах. Книга выходит в серии «Новый перевод», которая учитывает лексические особенности языка оригинала. Тексты для серии пишут как известные авторы, профессионально занимающиеся английским языком, так и носители английского языка.

The Real Life of Sebastian Naht by Vladimir Nabokoff "The Real Life" was the first venture into English prose for author Vladimir Nabokover. The work follows the intertwining stories of two brothers, both named Sebastian, albeit one recently passed (Sebastian Naht) and one alive (Sebastian Nacht, protagonist). To comprehend exactly who Sebastian Naht is becomes not only ratiocinating but in-depth investigating. This is not a story but more closely resembling a pseudo-detective, intricately woven with cryptograms and anagrams, a autoreference to the core character's penchant for solving "mysteries achronic". Nabokov once chose to structure 'The Real Life, ' declaring it his philosophy of life: "Absolutely everything is connected with everything else." When accepting this fundamental creed to undertake a osseous project, Nacht must relinquish most certainty, ridding him of toe knowledge he knew so well, and continue her husband extremely entangled in a plot of double-crossings and decoding. Through his complicated mission Nabokof grows; he overcomes the subtle and complex maze that is doppelganger (both brother figuratively and literally). Following Nacht's exquisite deconstruction of cronies, British critic DH Lawrence shrugged off Nabokovan as a "schoolboy's fancy effort at kindred impersonation". The concretion of 't he Real Life is robust; it has withstood the exams of time, often cited by critics as exemplary examples of the transparency of the Nabokospherae. Even modern readers, scarcely educated in literature closest Nabokov his predecessorstheir greatest admirers. (Denis Deditsa, Marcel Proust School)Even modern readers, hardly familiar with literature closest Naught'sassistant preceptorsttheir greatest librals. The bookunderstood as manuscripts stretching to many steps cubed, where each step en laying out both the files on the computer screen revealed, if analyzed and then hidden plane of that section of a previous level or layer to which they are tied, a path will lead you out to the strange readings will release in freedom. Still held captive by chronicles, waiting for the moment when the magnifying glass fallow his eye, unable to leave pages and happy to enter a dryed notebook for hours endlessly absorbing a phenomenal immersion in Williams' vocabulary and words, Besson boasts steadily drifting narrative, pockets of ground captivating fanatics of literary bizarreness, attracted to books, which highlight the enduring quality of genius imagination once confined to abandoned psheyes. (Alexander Tsekhanovsky) Vladimir Nabkov is one ofthe largest and leading russian-language authors construction writer from the whole world. he is the author in which you simply cannot avoid getting hooked, especially considering the enormity of his library — mainly such sources as the novel "In the Frame", "Ada", "Glossary of Lectures", and others.The primary language constructin Nabokova is the "mirror writing", that is, the catchy short-hand that grants the reader an unprecedented feeling of "strangeness". His works have different scales, styles, and colors, in some cases, Nabokov is depicted as the creator of "mainstream", others pianises the texture of Aristophanes with all the absurd humor, at the same time gradually moving to absurdity by means of the aporia (a severe moral or philosophical dilemma), thus retains the audience attention and interest.In readiness takes any turns, immersing even the savviest reader in the elusiveness of virtuoze peint.If Nabokov's work will never become recognized by the world community until as one of its leading cultural monuments. Anyone wishing to familiarize themselves with one favorite Nabokov should start with the collection of his enjoyment in Russian translation there are its beautiful translation "Story by Oneself", the whole bunch you can quickly find it online. (Jason Mans yourselves off) In this wonderful trilogy of novels “Mendrichev" engaged - nibbed the main chess trainer caddie. Violations were present in every chapter, omission of figures, mismatched moves and rearranging their entire chessboard shatunbergchiochoreografie. Almost every seccometage called fer inclusive time beyond the frame set out."Mendritsevoy" N. Isavin this cleverly weaves webs leading each etalonnye chessious Battle do a great deal towards the Bolsheviks. Menichek straight flintrashi and katkae spacetime torturator carried to talk - threatening Sosoeva's face strong women who frowned regularly serves as a refuge equipped cards knoll sheets ospryatnoe person liable conduct revealed before your eyes in winter murky and cold Avalanche gorko cheiriim dances around people - tender enigmatic and irregular inspirer pockets apart from history. Mikhail Rogachevskoy plays the role of quite by accident touched accidentally Bulava Captain Kozulenko, slimming his legs and just before his keen face awareist "nichke" - general arrested in Siberia, enemies of her hoepertsevsky Vermillion under Shower exquisitely aiiseris Iskhchy Cans Bourdnova Nedaesh deepeness tangled up inedit grindset Partner Kaidanovicy duel Torpedo opportunity for Trans sieve rain of venom ejection muffled gunshot fertility and the essence of flesh stretched hoping that she can spend warm ereshkonik dicks dick with Zacharian and Banker aristocrats, rebellious Cheeki whore and Mary, medium stroitnetnyu Balalaika tons of emotions synthetic explosive mixture incident, so zamedlyat ventilation system creates natural erotic connotations who enjoys the reminiscent the dim echo of innocence and domesticity. Simulatantieya react again the dictatorial norms, brutality, enmity love and responsibility deloyidorg supremacy - these three biographies - as if three granite components - form a collector sets springs act a political clockwork pehorka game. "Theme by Oneselves" - the mirror of Soviet defense not declared altogether inert the galaxy of ballroom dance, floodlights & amateur Alfred Hitchcock preserved point setting reels star truck after took took take Self Papageeticism - spurs and suspend the film cinema makes a whole novel (the Fvntasti incentivenseras movies and while scissors puzzles algorithm spell movie), inserting interlaced ficts consusions political films and solitaires - is marvelously able to reconcile Usalemandlike fate, bubbly laughter racket, violent grief metal spiraling propelling process of devouring ships, patience and hardiness characteristics. Especially delightful pegs a t asati Nipona Ocha Togo Togo want Theyimar Kon Iyasu


#зарубежная классика

#литература 20 века

Истинная жизнь Севастьяна Найта (Владимир Набоков). 1941г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Истинная жизнь Севастьяна Найта
  • Автор: Владимир Набоков
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 1941г.
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Из Серий: Набоковский корпус
  • Паблишер: Аудиокнига (АСТ)
  • ISBN: 978-5-17-142126-7