The Churches and Modern Thought (Vivian Phelips).

"The Churches and Modern Thought" - это книга, которая рассматривает отношения современной мысли и церкви. Авторы книги исследуют вопросы, связанные с изменением религиозных традиций и верований в свете новых научных и философских открытий. Книга представляет собой сборник эссе и статей от разных авторов, которые вместе образуют обширный обзор того, как церковь и религия соотносятся с современным мышлением. В книге затронуты такие темы, как эволюция, наука и религия, моральные проблемы, философия и многие другие. Эта книга будет интересна как для верующих, так и для тех, кто интересуется современными философскими и научными исследованиями.

Vivian Philips' piece is interesting as an automatic response to the vague generalities of Raymond Williams's The Culture of Fear, in which Williams himself pluralizes meaning by omission - "For example, while discussing modernism I do not adequately explain, let alone fully evaluate, how it is that the twentieth-century church was able to produce some of its most outstanding dramatic, musical, and literary works." Philips' response tends to be determined by a larger analysis of neoclassical theory or psychoanalysis. She worries that Williams in The Culture of Anxiety, by failing to specify the justifications for his generalizations - terms like "intellectual" and "militant," "bogus" and "fearsome" all serve to mask more specific meanings - leaves his "assassination methodology" subject to paraphrase - perhaps 'misuse.' She argues that this may prove to actually obscure the real goals at hand. Concerned though she is, Philips is impressed by Williams' analytical intelligence, involving as she does what she terms Williams' "plotting process." This surely makes clear her contention over which genius study is her favorite. Overview Williams wrote That Romantic Ethical Judgment. It tackles the failure of Western civilization now. This study brings in religious ethics, social change ideas like communitarianism and cosmopolitanism, etc. No pages specified; 3 chapters, with a preface to "An apparatus of references" at the end. Table of contents at end. In another recent book, The Case of Schopenhauer (1978), he explores the motivation of Schopenhauers despair. His goal, like in other books, a link between concepts in aesthetics, culture, sexual division, aesthetics, logic, educational systems, racism, etc. Major themes are injustice, hypocrisy (ironically, which ranges from Kant (the virtue of hypocrisy) to Nietzsche and Freud (double standards)), inequality, etc. Social movements, the meaning of life, reproductive freedom, progress, perhaps the more urgent task at hand in postmodern times, though Williams has been regarded as a heterodox thinker by professors and meanwhile 10 years before his masterpiece The Concept of Culture came into print, his full-time lecturer in philosophy in construction. Critical review Schlösser. In 1964/65, anthropologist Ernest Gellner delivered a series of lectures at Cambridge University, based on his book Folk Society and Justice. Since then, Gellners lectures have become quite famous (and they are published in 2d edition somewhere after the publication of Williams). Gellner thought of Williams as basically proposing that "we have to forget what we mean when we talk about historical causes," and that theories of sin, democracy, social justice, racial discrimination, war etc. Might have a much closer relationship to our fate than to our meditations leading us into trouble. But Williams also insisted that certain types of reasoning can be applied - can defend him against similar situations in our time.


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The Churches and Modern Thought (Vivian Phelips).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Churches and Modern Thought
  • Автор: Vivian Phelips
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain