The Colors Of The Dragon (Virginie T.).

"The Colors of the Dragon" by Virginie T describes the adventures of a young dragon named Roey in a fictional world. The book follows Roey's journey as he grows from a small fire-breathing hatchling into a majestic, flame-winged creature. Along the way, Roey must battle rival dragons, survive devastating earthquakes, and protect his village from bandits.

Roey is a unique dragon, with a highly sensitive sense of smell that helps him discover treasure and hunt prey like rabbits and deer. As he travels the world, Roey also encounters colorful characters who play a pivotal role in shaping his journey and revealing the mystery behind his destiny.

The book offers a heartwarming and immersive portrait of a dragon's life, providing a rich backdrop for readers to delve deep into the fascinating and complex world of dragons. With its storytelling abilities, Virginie T builds an emotional connection across the reading experience that will

Главные герои книги - принцесса Хеликсибрайонитек и дракон Ноно. Это сказочное путешествие началось 270 лет назад, когда колдунья Коронодора предсказала, что судьбы Хеликси и Ноно переплетутся навеки.

С самого детства Хеликси учили быть принцессой, готовя к трем испытаниям, которые ей предстоит пройти перед призом в лице своего возлюбленного. Принцесса носит бальные платья, содержит целый штат слуг и ученическую свиту. Но все это она ненавидит.


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The Colors Of The Dragon (Virginie T.).

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