Methodik der Tibetischen Klangschalenmassage in der Tradition von «Tsering Ngodrub» (Viktor Ogui).

Книга "Methodik der Tibetischen Klangschalenmassage in der Tradition von 'Tsering Ngodrub'" на немецком языке описывает эффективный метод массажа с использованием кованых тибетских круглых звуковых чаш, разработанный в традиции Tsering Ngodrub. Автор книги, Виктор Огуй, является педагогом, профессиональным массажистом, психологом, изобретателем, медицинским работником, путешественником и экспертом в области велнеса. Книга содержит подробное описание контактной техники массажа с использованием кованых звуковых чаш, которая является эффективным способом лечения и поддержания здоровья.

The book ”Methodik der Tibetischen Klangschanenmassage”, written by Viktor Ogui, familiarizes the reader with a relatively new form of the traditional Tibetian technique of sound healing, which in its essence is performed not with hands, but with special musical instruments.

Timeworn, severely worn, the book makes rapid progress. Firstly it is mentioned about the birth and growth of Viktor. Instead, his knowledge and to almost innumerable experiences got through years of work are figured. And all this - as a sharp contrast to the real-life reality where the subject himself openly confesses to be the son of real Tibetan people. He also improvises on the themes of resistance against a distortion of the tradition and on a relationship to normally not spoken happenings in history namely politicization.

Much attention is given to two teachers - the modern Chinese doctor, who introduced him to already described sound technique through vibrating discs, and the second, "the grandson of Genghis Khan" - Indian Sab Indian origin who raises music curiosities of Buddhist shlokas. It would seem that the author sees itself as the one harmonizing discretions which he however, generally doesn't point out.

Victors pedagogic endeavors, professional massage, psychological counseling and medical expertise in various forms of energy work allow entrusting an original knowledge transferable not only within gymnanstrics though also therapy, rehabilitation, improving concentration abilities and self-cure psychosomatic states. "There is much to learn to see and feel as well as to practice autogenic training and energy healing using Tibetan methods," - author sincerity. In addition, Viktor emphasizes contrariness. From the person's behaviour the "limitations," "exhaustion" coming from problems outside the body and which eventually must be considered a central autism, promotes ultimate independence, preventing "stickying" to bad habits of cigarettes, alcohol, edibles, street drugs and even celebrating sluggishness, slipping on all tracks of energies. His philosophy ensures the harmony in life, fluency within old and new lessons, ability to faucet and appreciation for the call of true challenges which originate from wisdom and universal laws.


#эзотерика / оккультизм

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Methodik der Tibetischen Klangschalenmassage in der Tradition von «Tsering Ngodrub» (Viktor Ogui).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Methodik der Tibetischen Klangschalenmassage in der Tradition von «Tsering Ngodrub»
  • Автор: Viktor Ogui
  • Категория: Эзотерика / оккультизм
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 6+
  • Язык: Русский
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005005038