Widersehen in Berlin (Victoria Benner).

Книга "Widersehen в Берлине" от Виктории Беннер рассказывает историю Шарлотты Гротингер, которая потеряла все, что только можно было потерять: дружбу, любовь и ее прежнюю жизнь. Теперь ей приходится сделать шаг вперед и переехать в Берлин. Хотя Шарлотта пытается адаптироваться к новой реальности, она сталкивается с

Victoria Benner's "Widersehen" is a story charting the life of Charlotte Grottinge – a young Paris-based psychologist who has lost everything she valued. Determined to start anew, she moves to Berlin to work on her left-over art project and living out her dream of being a freelance graphic designer. But with the dainty hope swallows reality and sinks her in a never ending existing between past and present. At the center of this visual narrative becomes the unforgettable Heroine, downright vulnerable but unwavering in her mission of preserving the pending of optimism. The ensuing journey infatuates us to witness a strong role of second chances destiny, which gradually transforms Charlotte's world upside down rewarding her with a moving rebound to appreciation and love. Furthermore, Victoria Benne's graceful and reflective pictures, within the intricate, soothing and caressing landscapes of Berlin add a third dimension to draw nothing but admiration. This play of opposites building up the intense tension to unfold Charlotte's comeback, indeed bring Emma Donoghue's masterpiece.



Widersehen in Berlin (Victoria Benner).

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