The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Book 10 (Unabridged) (Victor Hugo).

«Не презирайте могучих врагов, пока не увидите их разящими» Виктор Гюго «Горбун из Нотр-Дама».

Эта книга перенесет читателя в богатый мир художественных образов и эпических событий французского писателя и поэта Виктора Гюго. Он использует свой фантастический дар для создания убедительных историй,

Victor Hugo's classic novel about the love between Gringoire, a penniless young man who covers the day-to-day events in the newspaper "C?rambault's Intransigent Advocate," and Esmeralda, the beautiful Cathedral Artiste and the only daughter of the Governor of New Orleans, is one of the most famous works of nineteenth century literature and has been translated into more languages than any other novel ever before. In this ten volume Unabridged version -- approximately 850 pages running time – the majesty and power of Victor Hugo’s epic tale are inspired again and again by the unique prose that sets him apart from all other nineteenth-century novelists.

"I felt like Gaston after an orgy with seven hundred ladies."


#зарубежная классика

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Book 10 (Unabridged) (Victor Hugo).

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