Continental Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 1, July, 1864 (Various).

Этот номер журнала Continental Monthly за июль 1864 года содержит разнообразные статьи на актуальные в то время темы. В частности, в нем есть статьи о Гражданской войне в США, включая описание битвы при Колд-Харборе. Также в номере есть биография генерала Гранта, статьи о европейской политике и литературные произведения.

Одна из интересных статей посвящена отмене рабства и переменам в жизни негров после этого. Еще одна статья рассказывает о недавнем землетрясении в Южной Америке. Кроме того, в журнале опубликованы несколько рассказов, в том числе «Ложь» Генри Уодсворта Лонгфелло. Таким образом, это издание Continental Monthly представляет собой увлекательное чтение и ценный источник информации о событиях середины 19 века.

Annual Register , Or, Literary Annual for the Year ..., Vol. No. , 67th Year of the reign of Authors: Composed by J. Woodcock, A. Spooner, etc.This Register contains some fresh and interesting matter, some oddities,...A good many new books are recommended for general reading and study, by competent authorities, and some artists give their sketches or their poems or songs.It ranges over the most important subjects of the day, & is by no means confined to the literature it bears its name.Amongst others, novels and historical romances, hysteria melodramatic, poetry, bills of fare, furniture, carriages, steam engines, bridges, slaughter-houses, abattoirs, meat-markets, shipbuilding, metempsychosis, ballads & songs, wit's end, brains, cheapness usually results, efforts to make up lost time, the man and his times, allusions to real happenings, known and savory notions, newly conceived projects, pastiche and parody, light satire and grotesque caricature, bon mot gone awry, book and journal advertisements masking scores of lapses of taste and business methods, tricks and forgery from half a world away,— matters which do not excite much less consideration than the happiest occurrences in the linen trade. And if some transgressions have been inserted without notice, there is no remedy for the fault, it was done in good faith; the omission is excusable on my part, as it did not specify those gallant efforts of winkling the thing upon your fingers from the usual trails, whereby every popular book is seen to pass its graces in higher circles... etc.


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Continental Monthly , Vol. 6,  No. 1, July, 1864 (Various).

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