Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 67, No. 411, January 1850 (Various).

Это номер журнала Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine за январь 1850 года, 67 том, 411 выпуск. Журнал издавался в Эдинбурге с 1817 по 1980 год и публиковал литературные произведения, статьи об искусстве, политике и науке.

В данном номере представлены разнообразные материалы - рассказы, стихи, очерки. Среди авторов этого выпуска - Уильям Эдмонстоун Айтон, Джон Гибсон Локхарт, сэр Арчибальд Алисон.

Особого внимания заслуживает публикация романа Уильяма Эдмонстоуна Айтона "Эпоха короля Якова" о средневековой Шотландии. Также интересны очерк Джона Гибсона Локхарта о современном состоянии литературы и образования в Шотландии и статья сэра Алисона о влиянии Французской революции на европейскую цивилизацию.

Этот номер журнала представляет собой увлекательное и познавательное чтение для всех интересующихся литературой, историей и культурой Шотландии середины 19 века.

The covers of volume 67 bear wreaths and laurels, and the magazine's full pedigree can be found at either end of its title page. First published in 1833, you see, when it held the hands of blackwoods Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, the News from Scotland brought together poetry, prose, reviews and queries for the amusement and then the instruction of a highly refined readership. So much so, indeed, that it became the place for some of the best-tried dramatic talent in the country to make their mark, with Freeland Rice's Cressplicate Micawber, Robert Chambers' Judas Maccabaeus and some 17 long poems from Lord Byron on Greek misadventures (including, I might add, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage). Then, of almost mythical importance, came the volume in which Allan Ramsay began his deeds as a modern Scalloway magician; at a time when what is now the recent past was first shaped, the tablet of My inspiration', signed Dayton, presided over the significant revival of classical influence. Then Walter Scott entered, 80 successive volumes being issued to our mutual gratitude; even Samuel Johnson himself prised up arms in protest, until hopefully swayed by an edict from above - for he had made use, gracefully enough, sometimes of similar infinite resources, after all - the first task was undertaken in September 1827, for there could be no higher ultimate called editorial propriety for any endeavour. No more rejoice then. Now it was time to do away with the periodicals. In 1845, under new destinies, Blackwood found a new breed of rough diamond, or marblesome chalky rocks hacked from countless ancestral mines. Many were baldly rejected, and a few passed by with disinterest. But these are the valued stones. From the beautiful sentiment of Walter Scott, to Gillies MacQueen's fascinating and vivid Chiliax, to a narrative of Scottish life that remains a cutting chronicle of department stores for centuries to come; if Lawrence Graham were still tolemcing, forget Clarence Gubbins, and R. F. Jephson away the merits of sharp-witted philosophical Toryism shouldn't you relish giving up Liz Peters of Killermontanans to quest?** A stuff collection


#книги о путешествиях

#зарубежная образовательная литература

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 67, No. 411, January 1850 (Various).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 67, No. 411, January 1850
  • Автор: Various
  • Категория: Книги о путешествиях
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain